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Hello everyone,

We hope you are well and keeping safe.

This week, we have been very busy with lots of learning. In English, we have been looking at time and place adverbials. The children have been writing safety instructions on how to keep your snowman safe.

In Maths, the children have started their fraction unit. We have been very surprised with the children as they have been using their derived facts when dividing a whole by tenths and hundredths. Next week, we will begin to explore equivalent fractions and finding the amounts.

During Black History Month, year 4 were given the amazing Miriam Makeba, also known as Mama Africa, to explore and research. They researched all about her life, from when she was a child during the apartheid, to being exiled from her country, fighting against discrimination and then returning to her home country once the apartheid was quashed. Koalas and Kangroos were so inspired by her story that as a class they created a song which they performed to the class in their own ‘Miriam Makeba’ concert. We were very proud of the children for not only performing, but being so passionate and standing up against discrimination.

Just a few reminders –

  • Thank you to all parents who attended the virtual Parent’s evenings. It was so lovely to chat and meet you properly. If you have any further questions or queries, please do not hesitate to call or message the school and we will try our best to help.
  • Thank you to the parents who have volunteered to walk with the school for St Peter’s Advent service taking place at the Sacred Heart Church in Waterlooville. This will take place on Tuesday, so please send your child into school wearing appropriate and smart footwear.
  • Reading passports are due 8.12.21
  • Please send your child into school in their PE kits on Monday 29th November 2021.
  • As the weather is getting colder and bitter, please send your child in wearing warm clothes such as gloves, hats and coats as at break and lunch the children will be on the playground.

We hope you have a lovely weekend,

Miss Jackson-Nash, Miss Honeywell, Mrs Cairns and Miss Ranson

Busy Week!

Hello everyone,

We hope you are well and enjoying your week. We have been very busy with our learning.

This week in science, we have begun our State of Matter topic. We explored the idea of solids, liquids and gases and matched objects and key words to the groups. We even had a go at role playing the different matters.




We have been given the big question –

At the end of our unit, children will be able to look back at their original thought and amend with what they have learnt.


Just a few reminders for next week –

  • Children to wear PE kit on Thursday 25th November 2021
  • Spelling journals (red book – includes vocab and Maths tasks) to be handed in by Friday 26th November 2021.
  • Please continue to practise your Times Table Rockstars – logins to be found in your red homework  book.
  • We look forward to virtually meeting you next week for Parent’s evenings taking place on Tuesday 23rd November and Wednesday 24th November

We hope that you all have a great weekend and look forward to seeing you all again next week.

Best wishes,

Miss Honeywell, Miss Jackson-Nash, Mrs Cairns and Miss Ranson

Let it snow!

Hello everyone,

We hope that you are all well and keeping safe. This week, we have been working on The Snowman as part of our writing in English. We are working towards creating a ‘How to care for your snowman’ information leaflet to go in the school foyer for any visitors to browse as we begin to prepare for Christmas time. On Monday, we created our very own snowmen and the children gave them their own fun, creative names. Please see the photos below. Well done Year Four!

We also took part in our Y3 and Y4 Mass on Tuesday 9th November 2021 – we would like to say a big thank you to everyone who attended and took part in our celebration with us. The children were beautifully behaved as we reflected upon the theme of Remembrance and the brave soldiers who gave their lives to serve our country in the world war.

Just a few reminders for next week –

  • Children to wear PE kit on Monday when they arrive at school
  • Reading journals (yellow book) and spelling journals (red book – includes vocab and Maths tasks) to be handed in by Friday 19th.
  • Please continue to practise your Times Table Rockstars – logins to be found in your red homework  book.

We hope that you all have a great weekend and look forward to seeing you all again next week.

Best wishes,

Miss Honeywell, Miss Jackson-Nash, Mrs Cairns and Miss Ranson

Welcome Back!

Hello everyone,

We hope you are keeping well and safe. It was lovely to see all the children return back to school keen to learn and with recharged batteries.

In English this week, we have continued our spider diaries unit and explored the use of subordinate conjunctions. We have looked at different spider statistics and applied our new skill into sentences. We are now beginning to draft and edit our final non-chronological reports which when finished will be shared to other children around the school to read and find out lots of spider facts!

In Maths, we started have started our new multiplication and division unit. This week the children have used their metacognitive approach to answer a two step problem. They had to plan out what strategies and tools they would use and then reflected on which worked well. Next week we will look at grid method and multiplying larger numbers.

Just before half term, some children were chosen to participate in a hockey skills tournament held by Havant Hockey Team. The children were given the opportunity to practise passing, shooting, attacking and defending in Hockey and then applied these skills to a match against a local school. The children worked very well as  team and as a result they won 2:0. Well done Koalas and Kangaroos!

Just a few quick reminders for next week:

  • Spelling and  vocabulary home learning books due on Thursday 11th November 2021.
  • Reading Journals are due on Thursday 11th October 2021. Could we also encourage children to write detailed book reviews including the likes and dislikes. Some children are bringing in beautiful pictures and drawings however have forgotten to review what they have read.
  • Please encourage your children to use Times Table Rockstars in order to build their times table facts and fluency.

We hope that you all have a lovely week.

Miss Jackson-Nash, Miss Honeywell, Mrs Cairns and Miss Ranson

Another Busy Week!

Hello everyone,

We hope you are keeping well and safe.

Once again, the children have been working exceptionally hard this week. In English, we have begun our new ‘Spooky’ unit on the Spider Diaries! We started the week by watching videos on the most dangerous, intelligient and colourful spiders. We then discussed spiders’ antonomy, such as spinnert, segmented body, spiracle, pedipalps and so on. With this new techincal language , the children were able create exciting expanded noun phrases to label their own spider creations. Next week, we will look at non-fiction texts so the pupils can start to plan how they would like to present their own non-fiction text about their spiders.

In Maths, the children have been putting their addition and subtraction skills to the test by using their strategies such as expanded column and numberlines to answer multistep problems. Next week we will begin our measurement units and explore perimeter, area and conversions of lengths.

This term in Science, the children have been exploring simple electrical circuits. We have learnt about conductors and insulators, how electrical charge flows through, what components are within a circuit and how to keep safe when using electrics. This weeks lesson   we made an electrical circuit in the playground. We started with a closed circuit, one bulb and one battery. We then discussed what happened if the circuit became open, where the electrical charge would go. We also explored what would happen if we added extra bulbs and batteries.

Just a few quick reminders for next week:

  • Spelling and  vocabulary home learning books due on Thursday 21st October 2021.
  • Reading Journals are due on Thursday 21st October 2021.
  • Please remind your child to wear their PE kit to school on Thursday 21st October 2021.
  • Please encourage your children to use Times Table Rockstars in order to build their times table facts and fluency.
  • Next week, we will begin to make our torches. We have plenty of resources here at school, however if at home you have spare toilet roll tubes, pringle cans, arts and crafty bits then they would be very apperciated!

We hope that you all enjoy the rest of your week,

Miss Jackson-Nash, Miss Honeywell, Mrs Cairns and Miss Ranson

Hello everyone,

We hope that you are well and keeping safe.

This week, the children have continued their learning on Tin Forest. We really enjoyed creating a newspaper report as part of our apprentice write, in order to describe the key character and give further details about items/tools around the scrapyard. As the week progressed, we explored a variety of narrative devices used within diary entries, before studying a WAGOLL example to compare how the old man in the story felt in each type of forest. In addition, Year Four enjoyed using their subordinating conjunction mats to create a variety of ‘Whitebus’ sentences about our story. We now look forward to creating a diary entry of our own about the old man’s experiences!

In Maths, we have been learning how to use the expanded column methods in order to add and subtract numbers. In particular, we have used a variety of Maths tools including place value counters, charts and diennes. This has helped the children to reason and explain when studying how 4 digit numbers change throughout the course of a multi step problem. We really enjoyed working in groups and using the Maths equipment to justify how we carry and exchange numbers. Next week, we shall continue subtract numbers in the context of money and begin to multiply and divide numbers in the context of measures.

Just a few quick reminders for next week:

  • Spelling and vocabulary home learning books due on Thursday 7th October 2021.
  • Please remind your child to wear their PE kit to school on Monday 11th October 2021.

We hope that you all enjoy the rest of your week,

Kind regards,

Miss Honeywell, Miss Jackson-Nash, Mrs Cairns and Miss Ranson

What a September!

Hello everyone,


We hope you are well and keeping safe.

In English this week, the children have been exploring lots of vocabulary to help them compare the eroding scrapyard to the lively forest and then creating expanded noun phrases to annotate pictures. We then explored different tools and metal objects along with matching verbs and adjectives. Next week, the children will be writing a diary entry in first person  discussing how the characters feelings change throughout the story of the Tin Forest. Vocabulary homework this week includes synonyms for rusty so over the next week, please discuss the words with your child at home – this is a really good warm up to prepare the children before we start out final writes.

In Maths, we have started our new unit of addition and subtraction. The children began the week looking at a think aloud problem in which they used their metacognition skills to dissect and solve. Here they were introduced to the method of inverse where the children need to work backwards. They then found links with addition sentences and recognised the subtraction derived facts.

Just a couple of quick reminders –

  1. Please ensure your child arrives to school on Thursday 7th October 2021
  2. Home learning due for next Friday (8th October) includes: Yellow home reading journals (book review) and Red home learning books (spelling, vocabulary and Maths).
  3. The children also have their Sumdog and Times Table Rockstar logins stuck on the inside cover of their red home learning books. Please encourage your child to keep logging on to these websites in order to continue their practise of fluency skills.
  4. Thank you to all the children bringing in their Reading Passports, we can see there has been lots of reading at home. Please continue to encourage your children to ‘Read for Pleasure’

We hope you all have a great weekend,

Best Wishes,

Miss Honeywell, Miss Jackson-Nash, Mrs Cairns and Miss Ranson

Busy learning!

Hello everyone,

We hope that you are all well and keeping safe.

On Tuesday, St. Peter’s Catholic Primary school took part in a whole school Mass on the field – we would like to say a huge thank you to Father Jeremy for his visit to our school and congratulations to the children who have been selected for our school’s GIFT team (Growing Together in Faith). We had a very calm and peaceful celebration of the Eucharist as a school community.

This week, the children have completed their learning on the Winter’s Child – we would like to say a big congratulations to all of Year Four for their excellent use of vocabulary and sentence structures when describing the winter wonderland. We are now beginning our new unit of learning on the Tin Forest, making comparisons between the automated, mechanical forest and the vibrant, tropical forest. Over the next week, please discuss the vocabulary home learning task with your child at home – this is a really good warm up to prepare the children before we make our own sentences about the rainforest next week.

In Maths, we have been very impressed by the children’s work on place value. In particular, we have been using lots of heuristic strategies and metacognitive thinking in order to help us understand and interpret complex Maths problems. As the week progressed, we also learnt a rounding song to help us remember how to round four digit numbers to the nearest 10, 100 and 1000. Next week, we look forward to studying addition and subtraction strategies in the context of measurements including money and length – in particular, we shall review how to use the expanded column method and then apply this strategy to adding 4 digit numbers in Year 4.

Just a couple of quick reminders –

  1. Please ensure your child arrives to school on Monday in their PE kit.
  2. Home learning due for next Friday (1st October) includes: Yellow home reading journals (book review) and Red home learning books (spelling, vocabulary and Maths).
  3. The children also have their Sumdog and Times Table Rockstar logins stuck on the inside cover of their red home learning books. Please encourage your child to keep logging on to these websites in order to continue their practise of fluency skills.

We hope you all have a great weekend,

Best Wishes,

Miss Honeywell, Miss Jackson-Nash, Mrs Cairns and Miss Ranson


Welcome Back!

Hello everyone!

Welcome back to St Peters, it is lovely to see you all and we hope you had a relaxing and enjoyable summer.

This week we have got straight into our learning. In English, the children explored lots of new vocabulary through dictionary work and then applied these to expanded noun phrase sentences. Later on in the week, we were given pictures from a secret text in which the children made prediction using their inference skills.

In Maths, the children have been busy exploring place value. They have been dissecting numbers, looking at each place holder and drawing different representations. Next week, we will look at place value within addition and subtraction.


  • We look forward to seeing you on Tuesday 14th September 2021 @ 4.00pm for the virtual Year 4 Welcome meeting that will be held on teams.
  • Please ensure your child is completing their spelling and vocabulary homework this week. It will be due back on Thursday 16th September.
  • Please send your child in the correct PE kit on Monday 13th September.
  • Thank you for those who have worked hard on their summer holiday learning. Feel free to bring them in next week. Our homework hand in day is on Thursdays.

Take care and best wishes,

Miss Jackson-Nash, Miss Honeywell and Mrs Cairns.

Countdown to the Summer!

Hello everyone,

We hope you are keeping well and enjoying the sun.

This week in English, the children have been busy designing their own monsters. Here they explored lots of vibrant vocabulary and created expanded noun phrases to annotate their creatures. Next week, the children will be writing their own character description for their monster creations.

In Maths we have been putting their problem solving skills to the test. Using dip and pick problems, the children used their fractions, place value knowledge, multiplication and division skills. Next week, to finish the year Koalas and Kangaroos will look at roman numerals, rounding and place value.

A few polite reminders,

  • There will be no homework for the last week of school. However if they would like to complete any home learning, please use Times Table Rockstars and practise their Year3-4 spellings from this year.
  • Friday 23rd July 2021 is the last day of term! Please send your child in with a plastic carrier bag so they are able to bring most of their book homes. Also note that Year 4 will be finishing at 1.40pm, collection as normal.

As this is our last blog post of the year we would  like to thank you for all of your support and to the children for their amazing hard work. They will continue to thrive in year 5, and we will truly miss them.


We hope you all have an amazing summer holiday filled with sun and laughter!

With every best wish,

Miss Jackson-Nash , Miss Honeywell and Mrs Cairns