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Practical Learning in Year Four

Hello everyone,

We hope that you are all having a great week so far!

Year Four have been very busy taking part in lots of group work and practical tasks this week. In Science, the children were very engaged when working in groups in order to create circuits and test materials that were electrical insulators or conductors – please see the images below.


In English, the children have continued their learning on Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone – we have orally rehearsed sentences with a partner to include the following skills: Expanded Noun Phrases, Nouns/Pronouns, Perfect Present Tense and Subordinating Conjunctions. Next week, we look forward to drafting and publishing our very own school Howlers, for Harry, Ron and Hermione.


In Maths, we have been using a range of resources to support our learning on Place Value. For instance, we have been using diennes and place value counters in order to compare and order 3 and 4 digit numbers. We were very impressed by the children’s use of the following vocaulary words, in order to explain their ideas: thousands, hundreds, tens, ones, greater, smaller. We have also been using ‘crocodile arms’ (< and > symbols) in order to describe sequences of numbers and compare their values.


Quick reminders for next week:

  • Monday 19th September: Bank Holiday.
  • Wednesday 21st September: Y4 Parent Welcome Meeting at 3.25pm, in the Y4 classroom.
  • Friday 23rd September: CAFOD ‘wear it bright’ non-school uniform day (£1.00 donation please).
  • Friday 23rd September: Children to hand in their red home learning books (spelling, vocabulary, Maths).


We hope you have a peaceful and relaxing weekend,

Best Wishes,

Year 4 Team

New beginnings!

Hello everyone,

We hope that you are all having a great week so far. The children have had a fantastic start to their Year Four experience. We have really enjoyed learning about Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets as part of our English learning – it was really fun to learn about The Howler and re-create this scene using drama and role play. Please see photos below.


In Maths, we have been exploring place value and learning about 4 digit numbers. We now understand that 10 x 100 = 1000 and we enjoyed using place value counters and diennes in order to exchange amounts and make 4 digit numbers in different ways. We look forward to having a go at lots of tricky challenge tasks around place value and the manipulation of numbers.


A few quick reminders for next week:

  • Your child will receive their first set of home learning tasks on Friday. This includes Maths, Spelling and Vocabulary – please ensure your child returns their home learning activities on Friday 16th September.
  • The children have copies of their Times Table Rockstar logins – please ensure that your child logs in regularly to practise these. We recommend the children spend 10 minutes per day on their TT Rockstars.
  • PE day will be on Wednesday 14th September 2022 – please ensure your child comes to school wearing their PE kit on this date.


We look forward to seeing you all next week,

The Year 4 Team

Hello everybody,

We hope you are well and enjoying your week!

We had a fantastic evening at the year 4 camp, a  night full of team building activities, sports, yummy treats and a story by the campfire.

We also are very sad to see our wonderful student Miss Ranson finish her placement. She has been such an asset to the team, inspired many of the children with her brilliant teaching and has worked very hard. Well done Miss Ranson, we wish you the very best of luck with your first teaching position. We and children hope to see you soon!

A few polite reminders,

  • Please send your child into school with the correct PE kit on Monday 11th July 2022.
  • Homework is due in on Thursday 14th July 2022


Have a lovely weekend,

Miss Jackson-Nash, Miss Honeywell, Miss Ranson and Mrs Woolston


UK Harvest Visit

Hello everyone,

We hope you are well and enjoying the sun.

As part of our food technology unit in DT, the children were lucky to take part in a work shop held by UK Harvest which are a fantastic charity that focus on reducing food waste! During the workshop the pupils were challenged with the task of creating a healthy pizza using rescued vegetables and ingredients. They needed to knead, spread, measure and prepare their ingredients.

Once ready, they were able to watch their healthy pizzas cook and create their pizza boxes that had a clear message “Stop wasting food!”


We have had a fun packed week with Sports Day, food workshop and carnival on Friday so keep an eye out for more photos to come!

A few polite reminders –

  • Please send your child into school on Friday wearing Australian themed clothes. Also if your child has Australian animals or pool inflatables then they would look great in the parade!
  • Homework is due on Friday 1st July 2022.
  • Year 4 overnight camping stay is on Friday 1st July 2022. If you are able to provide a tent, please could you let any of the year 4 team know. If you are bringing a tent for your child to share, please come and help pitch up from 7.30-8.30 on Friday morning.

Have a lovely weekend,

Miss Jackson-Nash, Miss Honeywell, Miss Ranson and Mrs Woolston

Wagamamas and Gunwharf Y4 Trip

Hi there,

We hope that you are all enjoying the glorious weather!

This week, as a nice treat after all of the children’s hard work for their Y4 multiplication checks, we went on a trip to Gunwharf and Old Portsmouth! This supported the children’s learning on their local Geography study, as well as their DT knowledge of measuring and preparing a healthy main meal. We also saw many important sites and landmarks whilst exploring – the Spinnaker Tower, Lipstick building, Hot Walls, Square Tower, Garrison’s church, Historic monuments of Portsmouth, as well as being lucky enough to take part in a guided tour around Portsmouth cathedral!

The children had a fantastic time – please take a look at our photos below. For those who haven’t already, please return your child’s camping slip as soon as possible, selecting one option from each of the food/drink lists to indicate which choices your child would like for their evening meal at camping.

Have a great weekend and we look forward to seeing you all again on Monday,

Miss Honeywell, Miss Jackson-Nash, Mrs Woolston and Miss Ranson.


Welcome Back!

Hello everyone,


We hope you had a wonderful half term and enjoyed all the jubilee celebrations!

This week the children have drafted, edited and performed their news report about the disastrous Kilauea volcano eruption. Here the children needed to consider their tone, pitch, eye contact and formal word choices.

A few polite reminders,

  • Thank you for all your support with multiplication practise at home. The children will be sitting their multiplication test on Friday and we are very confident that they will all do well.
  • Please send your child into school wearing PE kits on Monday 13th June 2022.
  • Please send your child into school with the correct school uniform and a packed lunch (unless your child receives free school meals) for their trip to Wagamama. 4JN will be going on Tuesday 14th June, 4H will be going on Wednesday 15th June 2022.

We hope you have a wonderful week,

Miss Jackson-Nash, Miss Honeywell, Miss Ranson and Mrs Woolston

Hello everyone,

We made it! We can’t believe that next term is going to be Summer 2! The children have worked so hard and we are very proud of them.

This week, the children have been busy with maths arithmetic and reasoning tests as well as our reading comprehension test for guided reading. But it hasn’t been all papers and silence, we have had great fun this week exploring how sound is made! We used a rubber band to discover vibrations ,  how sound can travel through different states of matter and created cups with string.

Also check out our decorated Jubilee doors! We are very much looking forward to seeing all the children in their red,white and blue tomorrow for our Jubilee Party!


We hope you have a fantastic half term and look forward to welcoming the pupils back on Monday 6th June!

Kind regards,

Miss Jackson-Nash, Miss Honeywell, Miss Ranson and Mrs Woolston

Having fun!

Hello everyone,

This week, the children have been taking part in lots of group tasks to support their learning. We have used lots of card games to support our knowledge of subordinate and relative clauses – we cannot wait to present our Volcano and Earthquake reports to the BBC boss! Please see the photos below…

We also enjoyed a lovely walk to Sacred Heart Church on Tuesday 17th May – once again, a big thank you to all of the parent volunteers who joined us and helped the children complete their walk safely.

A few quick reminders for next week:

  • Please continue to practise daily on your Times Table Rockstars accounts – the official check shall take place shortly after half term.
  • Home learning (Maths, spelling, vocabulary) to be completed and handed in by Thursday 26th May 2022, so they can be returned on Friday with fresh homework for the holidays.
  • Monday 23rd May 2022, at 5pm in the school hall – Parent’s information evening for the Y4 camping experience
  • Friday 27th May 2022 – Red, White and Blue dress up day to celebrate the Queen’s Platinum Jubilee.

Have a great weekend in the sunshine,

Miss Honeywell, Miss Jackson-Nash, Mrs Woolston and Miss Ranson



Hi everyone,

We hope you are well!

Here is a snippet of our fun science learning this week!

Few quick reminders,

  • Homework is due back on Thursday 19th May 2022.
  • Please ensure your child is practising times tables daily. We are fast approaching their multiplication test.
  • Please send your child into school with the correct PE kit on Thursday 19th May 2022.

We hope you have a lovely week,

Miss Jackson-Nash, Miss Honeywell, Miss Ranson and Mrs Woolston

Viking Day!

Hello everyone,

We hope you are keeping well and enjoyed your half term break!

Last Friday the children experienced Viking Day! We had so much fun with Tyrson War-Bear who taught us all about Viking life. We looked and handled real life artefacts, had a rune casting, spelt our names in runes, excavated, and created Viking shields and brooches.

After their workshop, Tyrson War-Bear put the mini Vikings to the test and asked them as a team to create a Viking Long ship that would be suitable for his men to travel to York in order to take it back from King Alfred.

We hope you have a lovely weekend,

Miss Jackson-Nash, Miss Honeywell and the Year 4 team!