Author Archive: Mr Austin

The Big Performance!

As you may know we performed our Lion King dances to other pupils in the school and some special guests…Mrs. Bowen and Mrs. Phillips!

The children all did their best and everyone was really impressed by their performances!

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Have a great half term.

Year 4 Team

Mass, Masks and Maths


We have had a very busy week this week with lots of what we have been learning in maths and literacy over the half term having to be used. In our maths we have looked at time and have shown real commitment and curiosity when calculating intervals of time. 4P have been very lucky this week and have had Mrs. Luter teaching their class as Miss Plummer is helping our Year 6 classes at Stubbington.

We hope that you enjoyed the mass and the children had a fascinating time being shown around the Sacred Heart Church, getting a chance to discover more about how the Church works.

We have been very impressed with the quality and quantity of home learning that the children have been doing, it has helped everyone to see how our learning can be used at home as well as at school. A big well done to our runners as well who, on Tuesday afternoon, went on a mile run with lots of other children from around the county and did remarkably well!

Tomorrow will be our art day! (Pictures to follow!) We hope that children bring in enough materials to make the day a real success as well as to create some really effective masks!

As ever Abacus, Bug Club, and My Maths are all up and running and we are very happy to see so many children having a go and earning rewards!

Thank you,


Mr. Austin and Miss. Plummer


A Creative Week!

This week we have had our first taste of writing our stories about animals that we have spent our time before investigating and planning. The teachers were very imporessed by the commitment shown by all children in their writing.

In PE the children have really improved their dances and have used their skills of collaboration to put together some impressive sequences.

Music is continuing to be a big hit as you can see from the pictures below:



We have learnt all about the pulse through music and how this can affect how music sounds.

We would also like to let you know that we have our Mass at Sacred Heart Church coming up shortly. A letter will be coming out shortly with more details. We look forward to seeing you then!

Our Second Super Week

During our second week we have settled in to life back at school. Everyone has responded well to new challenges and have really used their 5C’s to do their best dring the week. During Literacy we were able to enter the jungle to help our setting descriptions (it was really the nature trail shhh!) We have been really impressed by everyone’s enthusiasm for maths and this has let them try lots of new challenges.

Very excitingly we have also had our first music lesson in which we are learning about African instruments, especially the Djembe:


There will be a year 4 performance at the end of the term that all family and friends are welcome to attend. A letter will be sent out nearer the time containing the dates for this.

New tasks have been set for both My maths and Abacus so go and give them a try! Well done to all of you that have already tried these, it is good to hear that people are really enjoying themselves!