Author Archive: Mr Austin

Preparations for Assembly!


This week we have begun to prepare for our assembly, happening on Friday 15th May at 9:10. The children have come up with lots of things to include and we are working to put these together into a very enjoyable experience.

This is a great opportunity for you to get a flavour of what the children have been learning in class. This will be a whole year group assembly so it should be packed with lots of exciting things. Can  we ask that children come dressed as Saxons on the day (this doesn’t need to involve buying anything-just look back at previous blogs to see Mr. Austin dressed as a Viking!)

In maths this week we have continued to look at time and have been learning about reading timetables and calculating time intervals. Telling the time is such an important skill and we hope that children continue to practice this at home.

Thank you,

Year 4 Team

En Mass!


Today we went to Sacred Heart Church to think about Lent through a Mass led by Father Kevin. Before leaving for the Mass we were all excited but we were ready for the long walk!WIN_20150317_092856

Once we were there Father Kevin gave us a very informative tour of the church describing the function of the different items that we see used. During the Mass everyone joined in enthusiastically and those reading communicated the message really clearly. We would like to thank all of the children for the effort that they put in during the mass to make it a success.


In other news we are excited to announce that our Clarinet Concert will be taking place on Monday 30th March at 2:30pm. As ever, everyone is welcome to attend and enjoy hearing what the children have beenn learning this term!

Abacus and Mymaths has been updated and we look forward to seeing every child engaging with these activities.

Thank you,

Year 4

Osred the Saxon!


We had a very exciting Monday when we were all summ0ned into 4A by the blowing of a horn by Osred the Saxon.

Through the day we were shown lots of things about who the Saxons were, their language, their way of life and their way of fighting!

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As you can see the children were able to see many different artefacts giving them a really clear idea about what Anglo Saxon life was like!

Remember that you can use the home learning pyramid to come up with ideas to support the learning that has happened in class. In addition to this we have started to teach our lent unit of work in RE, so look in the home learning diaries for some ideas of what home learning you can do to support this!

Thank you,


Year 4 Team

Butser Ancient Farm


As you are aware year 4 have been on a visit to Butser Ancent Farm. We have really learnt how cosy it could be in a roundhouse with the fire to warm you; 4A certainly learnt what it was like hundeds of years ago when it got wet and muddy! The children were given a real hands on experience of the kinds of methods that people had to use hundreds of years ago to make everything they need. We really appreciated how much work it must have been in those times to provide all the things that they needed! You’ll see lots of things that we got up to by looking at the photos below!

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You can also find our new home learning pyramid here:  Saxons Settlers or Meddlers

We hope that this gives you lots of inspiration for your home learning!

Thank you,

Year 4 Team

Musical Monday!


Year 4 were really lucky today to have a visitor from the Rocksteady Music School. During the workshop we were able to try out different instruments that were in a rock band. You will see from the photos below that we all had a really good time and even learnt to clap the beat!






This is as well as the Clarinet lessons that we are having each week! Our clarinet lessons will culminate in a performance at the end of term!


Marvellous Mass!


In this post we would like to celebrate the mass that we had this morning. Father Vitalis came and gave us a very entertaining mass that everyone engaged with the very important message of Christ being our light.

This links to our RE unit of Revelation (you can find information about this and home learning ideas in home learning diaries).

In Literacy- we are starting to write our own holiday brochures for Florida, linking into our unit of The Magic Kingdom. If possible it would be useful if children could bring in holiday brochures to help see the structure of them (also for pictures!)

Before we sign off a small reminder that next Thursday is our Parent’s Maths workshop from 9:15-10:30. All are welcome to come and join in with some Arty Maths!

Thank you,

Year 4 team

Home Learning Success


This week we have excitingly started our new instrument for the term. The clarinet! We know how much you all enjoyed the concert that we were able to put on at the end of the last term and we are pleased to let you know that we will have a concert at the end of the current term.

We would like to mention how impressed we are with the amount of home learning we have already received and it is clear that the children are really engaged with the Magic Kingdom topic! All of your children will now have received a copy of the home learning pyramid, however to help keep you informed we have also attached a copy of the home learning pyramid: Bloom’s HL – The Magic Kingdoma

As always we have updated MyMaths and Abacus maths so there is still lots for everyone to do at home!


Thank you,


Year 4 Team

Merry Christmas from year 4!

Thank you for those of you who were able to attend our carol service and drum concert this week! The children did a great job and it was so lovely to see so many of you there supporting them.

A special thank you to those parents who were able to walk with us to the church too!

The children have worked very hard this term and should be very proud of themselves.

We look forward to starting our new topic in the new year, which will be kept a secret until nearer the time. We will then send out the new home learning pyramid that will give the children ideas of what they can reserach.

Home Learning: We have updated abacus, my maths and bug club for the children to use over the holidays.

The year 4 team all wish you a very Merry Christmas and a happy new year.

Home Learning Success!


We have been so pleased to see so many children over the course of this topic really getting involved with their home learning. We have had lots of wonderful musical instruments from colourful maracas to guitars made of rubber bands that can be tuned!

It has also been great  to see the research the children have been putting into sound and how it is produced. We hope to see this engagement continuing up until the end of the year. Some children have started creating powerpoints or writing up their own experiments from home.

Remember that children’s home learning can also be focused around RE and these ideas can be found in home learning diaries!


Dates for the diary:

A quick reminder that our Percussion concert is on the 15th of December at 2:30.

The following day (16th December) we have our Carol Concert at Sacred Heart Church.

Further information about both of these can be found at the office.


Thank you,

Year 4 Team


Crash, Bang, Wallop! What a picture!

We would like to start our weekly blog with a massive thank you to all of you who were able to help us in walking up to the library last Thursday. The children were so excited about seeing their pictures on display in Waterlooville library and had a massive amount of fun exploring the library itself (as the pictures below show!)

Library 1







This week we have really started to do in depth exploration of our topic. Below you’ll see some pictures of what we got up to in our experiment:

Pic 1 for web

Pic 2 for web

Pic 3 for web

Pic 4 for web

Through this experiment we found that sound is vibrations through the air. The children were really enthusiatic in developing their ideas and testing them out!


Anti Bullying Week

Next week is anti-bullying week. Throughout this week we will be running activities based around anti bullying and respecting the differences in others. As well as our class based activities we will have two special visitors coming into school on Wednesday and Thursday (but we’re going to keep who they are a secret!).

p.s. Don’t forget about Abacus and MyMaths-they’re so valuable for your children’s home learning! We are continuing to put exciting activities on there every week!

Thank you,

Year 4 Team