Author Archive: Mr Austin

Saxon Day

What an exciting day our Saxon Day was! The children looked fantastic in the variety of costumes that they had on. Our day started with an exciting introduction by Osred the Saxon. He talked to us in his native language which funnily we could understand. Attached are just a few of the photos from the day. More are to follow along with some of the children’s reviews of the day.


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You will soon be receiving a new home learning pyramid full of Saxon ideas to do at home. As always you can find activities on Abacus and My Maths to keep practicing your skills!

Thank you,

Year 4 Team






Before the half term…


This week the children have continued to put all of their energy into learning as we approach the half term, which has been marvelous to see.


In our maths this week we have been looking at time. Not only telling the time, but also finding out how much time has passed between different intervals. At home over the half term try and become an expert time teller, reading clocks accurately and being able to tell how long it is between different times. Have fun!

In our Literacy we have been thinking about the feelings of the different characters in our book and the ways in which we can add extra detail to our writing. Over the half term maybe you would like to write your own story about a time in the past. What extra detail would you include? How would your characters be feeling?


As you will be aware, on the Tuesday after half term we will have a special visitor coming in to teach us all about the Saxons! To make the day even more special we would like it if you could come dressed as a Saxon! These costumes do not need to be anything newly bought a long t-shirt over some trousers is very authentic! Here’s a picture below to provide some inspiration:


Have a wonderful half term!

Thank you,

Year 4 Team

Strawberry Girl continued…


This week in year 4 we have been thinking a lot about the different ways that we can show solutions to problems in our maths. We have shown our solutions pictorially and through equations. In your home learning this week, why not try and show different methods to solve a problem?

In literacy we have continued ‘Strawberry Girl’ and have focused on reading as a writer and some elements of writing such as: fronted adverbials, conjunctions, and expanded noun phrases. Perhaps you could find examples in your books at home and list them in your home learning book.

Next week we will be preparing ourselves for the beginning of Lent. Children have already discussed the idea of temptation and thought about what their Lent promises may be.

Thank you,

Year 4 Team

Our week in year 4


We would like to start this week with a big thank you to all who were able to attend our mass that was led by Father Vitalis. The children enjoyed themselves greatly and impressed us with their beautiful singing.

Today we have enjoyed TenTen theatre company performing for us. They performed a play named ‘The Master and the Servant’, it taught us about the importance of loving each other and loving ourselves. We also thought about how Jesus could be called The Servant King and what this meant.

In Science we are starting to learn about electricity and how it works. Can you spot things at home that work using electricity? How do you think they work? Ask adults to help you find out! (Remember electricity is dangerous!)

In Literacy we have looked at the classic American story of Strawberry Girl by Lois Lenski, the story focuses on a family’s struggle to set up a farm in Florida during the early 1900’s.

In maths we have continued to compare measures. At home maybe you could try looking at the different measurements on packs of food and drink? Why do you think they are measured in different units?

Thank you,

Year 4 Team

A measured week


This week in year 4 we have been looking at different measurements. We have investigated length, weight and capacity. We will be continuing to learn about these units of measure next week. It would be beneficial for your child to practice using tape measures, rulers, scales, jugs or any other measuring equipment that you may have at home! Perhaps you could make a cake or design a Disneyland ride and record the measurements in home learning adventure books.

In Literacy we have continued with our travel guides. We have seen some fantastic examples of children’s research in home learning adventure books and some awesome models that we have put on display!



Thank you,

Year 4 Team




New Year! New Term! New Teacher!


We welcome you all back from the Christmas break. We hope you had lots of fun and were able to take lots of time to enjoy yourselves. At the beginning of this year we welcome Mrs. Layton into year 4, she has said “I have had a fantastic start. The children have been brilliant.”. Thank you to all the children for making her feel so welcome.

Our new topic for this half term is ‘The Magic Kingdom’ where we will be looking at the state of Florida and all it has to offer.

Here you can find the home learning pyramid for this topic:

Learning Pyramid Magic Kingdom

In our Literacy we have started to write a travel guide to Walt Disney World. We have spent time this week looking at different kinds of sentences. Do you know the difference between a simple, compound and complex sentence?

In our Maths we have looked at the value of fractions and how to find equivalent fractions. This is something that you could try at home with anything you can find such as sweets, fruits, buttons etc…

As always there is My Maths and Abacus homework on the system. We encourage all the children to do this as it helps to consolidate the learning that we have done in class over the  last week.

Thank you,

Year 4 Team


Marvellous Marwell


We hope everyone is looking forward to going to Marwell on Monday 21st September. Just a few reminders about what the children need to bring with them:

  • School Uniform
  • Raincoat
  • Packed lunch
  • Waterbottle

If your child usually has a school dinner, a packed lunch can be provided by us. Just let your teacher know. The children do not need to bring any money with them or any cameras as the school will take pictures.

Any questions, just ask your teacher.

Thank you,

Year 4 Team!

A Super Second Week


Well in our second week we quickly got into the swing of being in year 4 and we have been really impressed with the effort that all of the children have put in. On Friday we really enjoyed the chance to see the children’s home learning and have been really impressed with the quality of what the children have already produced! From stories to pictures to poems there was so much to see and to show to others!

In Literacy we have been creating information texts based on our class animals. Children have really enjoyed researching and pulling together information from others in the class. We have learnt about the structure and tone of information texts.

In Numeracy we have been looking at decimal numbers and have used different ways of showing that these numbers are worth less than one. The children put in lots of effort and have shown that they are keen to understand how to use decimal numbers!

We hope in the third week that the children will continue to enjoy their learning and come in with the same positive attitude!

Thank you,

Year 4 Team

Saxon Saga!



Thank you to so many of you for being able to make it to our assembly last Friday where we got to show off all of the work we had done about the Anglo-Saxons and Vikings. I’m sure you’ll agree that the children really did put on a great performance which entertained everyone. Every child contributed to the success of the assembly; from larger acting roles to the making of props.

We hope that you enjoyed the wide range of learning that the children have done in relation to this topic as well as seeing the amazing home learning that children have shown. Below are some pictures of the event to give you a flavour of the show:





Just a reminder that we have updated abacus and mymaths ready for the half term. This is also the ideal opportunity for children to become involved more in depth projects from our home learning pyramids.

We hope you all enjoy the half term holidays and make sure that you enjoy yourselves!

Thank you,

Year 4 Team

We are always learning!


We hope you are looking forward to our year group assembly this Friday!

This week we have continued our look at the Saxons, turning our attention to the life of Alfred the great. At the end of our unit the children will be writing a biography of the life of Alfred the Great, they are already very enthusiastic. Hopefully the children will already have come home filled with facts about this Saxon king, however this does present a great opportunity for doing some research as part of their home learning.

In maths we have returned to our exploration of fractions. It is vital that children gain a strong grasp of what fractions are in a meaningful context; perhaps you could support your child’s learning in this by asking them to divide the laundry into quarters, or ask the children what fraction of the ingredients they will need for everyone’s dinner.

We can’t wait to see what imaginative things the children will do for their home learning!

Thank you,


Year 4 Team