Author Archive: Miss Plummer

Lion King Mask Making Magic!


I’m sure that you’ve heard that our art day was a great success! The children were able to use all of our 5C’s to help them create a wild animal mask that they are very proud of. Below you can see some pictures of the magic happening!


a mask 2

a mask 6

a mask 3

a mask 1

a mask 4

a mask 5

a mask 7

As you can see lots of work and lots of skills were used to create these masks. We will be using these masks as part of a lion king dance that will be performed to other children on Friday. Check back on the blog to see some fierce photos!

Thank you,

Year 4 Team

Art Attack!


We’ve had another very successful week in year 4 with lots of learning happening across the curriculum.

We have started to design our own Lion King inspired animal masks, these will be used by the children to perform the dances we have been creating in PE. We are planning to create the masks out of papier mache. The children have made a list of materials they would need, we can of course provide some of these materials, but it would be a good chance for us to learn about recycling if they could use some materials from home.

Next Friday (17th October) we will be having an art day on which we are creating our masks!

Some of the children have decided they would like things such as:

  • Wire
  • Carboard
  • Sequins
  • Newspaper (Lots!)
  • Balloons

Mask resized 3 Mask resized 2



We have noticed that lots more of you have now been logging on but some have still come to us with a few problems regarding opening the games. Here are some tips to help:

  1. Please try ‘allowing pop-ups’ and open the game in ‘google chrome’.
  2. If it still isn’t working, try clicking on ‘Run a quick test’ (shown below in picture).

click here for help

We have now uploaded more games onto Abacus maths and Mymaths for you all to enjoy!


Miss. Plummer and Mr. Austin

Thank you Mrs. Woolhead!

We would all like to say a big thank you to Mrs. Woolhead for coming in to our classes last Friday and teaching us about the importance of a healthy lifestyle.


Mrs. Woolhead2

We all learnt lots about how we digest food and the healthy and unhealthy things that are in different foods, even the teachers had some of their questions answered!

At the end of her talk Mrs. Woolhead set us a special task- to come up with a leaflet to tell people about the need to live healthily, that will be displayed in her doctors’ surgery. Now we are looking to find out even more information about healthy living so that we can share this knowledge with other people.

It’s been so great to see lots of children already bringing in presentations, models and posters of what they have found out so far! We have loved sharing with the class and other teachers! Keep it up year 4!

Welcome to year 4!

Thank you to those of you who were able to come to our year 4 welcome meeting last night. We hope that you found it informative and that it has answered any questions that you may have had about year 4.

For those of you who were unable to attend, we have sent home a welcome pack that includes the information we handed out last night:

  • Information leaflet
  • Anti – bullying map
  • Maths methods used in year 4.

Below you can see our home learning pyramid for this topic:

Circle of Life

Circle of life pyramid

This is designed to give you and your child some ideas about how to start their home learning and is stuck in the front of their home learning books.

Your children will now have all been given their log-ins for My Maths and Bug Club too. Please check them out and have fun exploring the different activities!

Also, don’t forget to keep checking the class blog for news and information about what is going on in class!


The Year 4 Team.