Author Archive: Miss Turner

How do you know something is Alive?

This was our question for our Science lessons this week. Here are some examples of the work that the children have been working on this week.

Santa Dash 2023

Science Biomes

Our STEM day helped us to understand that living things can be divided into groups based upon their characteristics and environmental change and human activity affects different habitats differently.

We collected our research about each of the following habitats:

  • Aquatic
  • Forest
  • Desert
  • Tundra
  • Grassland

We used information books and Planet Earth documentaries to record key facts about each biome.

Afterwards, we talked about our homes and what was needed to keep humans alive. The children then discussed how they would re-create suitable conditions for the animals to survive within their domes. We also talked about the life cycles of different animals. Our 3D biomes helped us to show a cross – section of each habitat.

Copy and paste the links below into Youtube to listen to some of our podcasts!

Podcast One:

Podcast Two:

Podcast Three:

Podcast Four:

Podcast Five:

Podcast Six:

Podcast Seven:

Podcast eight:

Podcast Nine:

Podcast Ten:

We were learning to:

  • Record voice recording using clear intonation and expression
  • Import sound effects and/or background music using kid sound board
  • Align the audio so the background noises fit with the voice recordings
  • Edit the imported audio if needed – cutting it using the trimming symbol.
  • Listen to and review our project throughout, editing audio to improve quality.
  • Check the volume of the tracks making sure the background noise was quieter than the audio recordings.

Have a go creating Podcast over the holidays whilst having fun in the sun!!

Team Four

More STEM day pictures

Another week is done!

What a great week of learning we have had. We have  all been working very hard practicing our subtraction skills in maths, we’ve written our own persuasive leaflets in literacy but we’re sure all the children will agree that the best bit must have been our wonderful trip to Marwell Zoo which links in with our science topic this term.

Here’s part a piece of recount writing from Cecilia in 4HA that tells you some parts of our wonderful day…

Our visit to Marwell Zoo:

On Tuesday 20th September 2016, St Peter’s, the year 4 class, went to the wonderful Marwell zoo to learn about animals and their habitats.

We got onto the double decker bus in the morning. Outseide, we saw loads of different cars and a truck carrying loads of cars. We got out and waited for our groups and, when we were all there, we went through reception to sign in.

After that, Mrs Crocker’s roup saw the penguins dive into the water. they had little beds in the hut and we saw them actually swimming underwater from the look out. They loved swimming and gliding through the dirty water.

Next, we found the baby leopards. They were very cute. We saw them from the viewing platform and they played with the mummy leopard – she was trying to teach them how to climb up on rock hills and jump on logs.

It really was a great day.

Have a wonderful weekend!


Welcome to a new year!

Hello everyone, 

  Welcome to Year 4 and to a new academic year. We hope you all had a fantastic summer and are looking forward to the many fun and exciting learning opportunities in the year ahead. 

 We will be having a welcome meeting for all Year 4 parents on Monday 12th September to talk about the upcoming academic year. Details will be sent home shortly and we look forward to seeing you all there. 

From Miss Hill, Mrs Atkins, Mrs Stewart, Mrs Cairns and Mrs Richardson.


Team 4!