Friday 25th January 2019

Dear all,

In English this week, we have continued with our Goodies vs Baddies unit. We have been exploring different vocabulary to describe the actions of Peter Pan and Captain Hook. The children became reporters and created their first draft of the action to submit to their ‘Editor’. They were motivated through their drama activities to meet this deadline today.

In Maths, we have completed our Fractions unit. Over the unit, the children have been finding unit fractions (1/4, 1/3/, 1/8 etc) of shapes and amounts, non-unit fractions (3/4, 2/5 etc) of shapes and amount, finding equivalent fractions ( e.g ½ = 2/4, 2/6 = 4/12) and applying this fluency to problem solving and reasoning. Your child may need to consolidate some of these objectives further so they can continue to practise fractions as part of their home learning.

We began our Statistics unit with analysing data and transferring it into bar charts, choosing an appropriate scale. We continue this next week.

In RE this week, we continue our Revelations unit, using what we learnt about the transfiguration last week to create their own prayers to praise God for revealing himself through Jesus and how this is revealed in their lives.

Please continue to encourage your children to take part in the reading challenge; the prize for completing the reading challenge and being drawn from the hat is a trip to Rock Up in Whiteley which the children are very excited about.

Also continue with learning their chosen poem for the performance poetry final in March; we can’t wait to see their performances during the last week of this half term for the children to vote who represents Year 4 in the final.


Golden Key

4s: Arabella Willis: ‘For using the gifts God has given her to show resilience in her learning and challenge herself.’

4B: Hollie King: ‘For using the gifts God has given her to show resilience in her learning and challenge herself.

Showstopper Writer:

4S: Francisco Joshy: ‘For producing descriptive sentences for effect using precise vocabulary.’

4B: Daniel Tan: ‘For using precise vocabulary in his sentences.’


Home learning expectations are 10 minutes per day each on a Reading, Spelling and Maths activity. This needs to be updated each day in the home learning diary and this is checked on a Thursday.

Thank you for the Marwell trip responses, please return permissions slips by Friday 1st February for final arrangements to be made. Many thanks.

We hope you have a lovely week.

The Year 4 Team

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