Friday 4th May 2018

In Maths this week, we’ve been revisiting our Measurement topic and solving problems which involve converting between different units of measure. Conversions the children should know are:

1cm = 10mm (cm into mm x10, mm into cm divide by 10)

100cm= 1m (cm into m divide by 100, m into cm x100)

1kg = 1000g (kg into g x 1000, g into kg divide by 1000)

1L = 1000ml (L into ml x 1000, ml into L divide by 1000)

Please test your children on these conversions over the weekend to support their working memory! They’ve been given some work sheets (involving using their conversions) to complete this weekend.


In English, we’ve written our gruesome, monstrous recipes which the children have really enjoyed! Some fabulous pieces of work have been produced from the children’s pure imagination, presentation and impressive sentence structures.


On Tuesday we had our Mass devoted to Mary at Sacred Heart Church. We would just like to say thank you to the parents who came with us on our walk to and from the church! Also, we would like to say thank you to the children who participated in the Mass itself and congratulate the whole of Year 4 on their politeness and refinement. What a lovely Mass!


With a shortened week coming, we’ll be powering through our Geometry topic in Maths (so any pre learning the children want to do at home would be brilliant – symmetry, triangle properties, translation, coordinates) and continuing our Beowolf topic in English (any sentence skills work at home would also be great).

Don’t forget, children, to practice your spellings (on last week’s blog post) words ending in -ing!


Have a lovely, long weekend and we’ll see you Tuesday!

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