Friday 20th April 2018

What a busy first week back!

This week in Maths we have been consolidating our knowledge of fractions and multiplying and dividing by ten and one hundred to find their decimal equivalents.

In English, we’ve begun writing gruesome recipes for creating ‘human soup’, inspired by our new unit on Beowulf, which is linked to our ‘Saxons’ topic.

In RE, we have been looking at the Resurrection of Jesus, comparing the four accounts of the story which appear in the Gospel.

For spellings, children have been given one of the two sets of spellings below – they should know which! This is a two-week spelling block and the test will be next Friday.

Group 1: 12

Option (root: opt)

Conclusion (root: conclude)

Impression (root: impress)

Permission (root: permit)

Magician (root: magic)

Group 2: 20

Physician (root: physics)

Interception (root: intercept)

Obsession (root: obsess)

Invasion (root: invade)

Omission (root: omit)


The root word has been given as this will help the children to choose the correct ‘shun’ suffix.

The rule is:

-‘tion’: The most common ending

-‘sion’: when the root ends in se or d(e)

-‘ssion’: when the root has ‘ss’ or ends in ‘mit’

-‘cian’: most common for occupations.


Enjoy the sunshine this weekend!

Team 4.

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