Friday 9th March 2018

In Maths this week we’ve been adding and subtracting using the formal column method. We’ve progressed from using the expanded method which partitions the numbers, to the quicker, more efficient compact method. Please can the children continue to practice these methods at home, alongside word problems. If the children find this easy, they can move on to two-step problems (this requires the children to do more than one calculation to find the answer). See examples below.

EXAMPLE WORD PROBLEM – (Adapted from Tilly Grove’s own problem) Tilly has collected 487 bottle caps for charity. Her friend gives her 1026 more. She decides to split the bottle caps so that two charities will benefit. She gives 876 to CAFOD and the rest go to the Rowans Hospice. How many will the Hospice receive?

In English, we’ve been continuing to look at our new text, Jemmy Button, thinking about the emotional journey that he took and how we can convey this through our writing with show-not-tell sentences. Show-not-tell sentences aim to describe the physical responses the body has to emotions, rather than to just state them. For example, instead of ‘I feel scared’, children could write, ‘a cold shiver runs down my spine as the once soft hairs on my arm stand to attention’. Question your children about how they’re feeling in different situations this weekend and ask them how they know, what is their body doing? These could be written down to be shared with the class next week.

In RE, we’ve spent time considering and discussing the philosophical question, ‘Can you forgive everybody?’ The children have engaged well and contributed thoughtful and mature answers.

For spellings this week the children have:

Super 6 spellers


(c/k/ck) Other spellings that follow this rule should also be practiced as they may appear on the test.

Whole Class


Double Consonant Words (Set 2)

Today was the final of the Poetry Recital. Congratulations to James Riggs, the winner of the Year 3/4 Poetry Recital – your accent won the crowd over!

A huge well done to Islwyn Mainwaring – we all loved your different voices and the use of your puppet.

Also, a huge well done to Jacob Kurowski – your props were phenomenal and your beautifully projected voice held the audience’s attention.

We wish you a lovely weekend.

Team 4!

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