This week in Maths we have been solving word problems involving adding and subtracting. These problems have been two-step problems, involving the children solving an initial sum before solving another one to find the final answer.

In English, we’ve been continuing to look at Jemmy Button, thinking about the informal letter that he would write home to his family.

In RE, we’ve spent time considering, discussing and analysing the morality of making difficult decisions,

For spellings this week the children have:

Group 1






Group 2







This fortnight‘s rule is c/k/ck spellings. The test will be on the 30th March, and ten words that follow the rule will be tested, so children must practice not only the words they are given.

Today we went to Marwell Zoo. The children had a great day, learnt a lot and had heaps of fun! Thankfully the weather was dry too. Thanks to all of our parent helpers, we couldn’t have done it without you – if any of you took photos of the animals or your own child that you are happy to share, please do send them in to “Best school day ever!” exclaimed Harry. “I loved the meerkats because they are so cute!” thought Eniola. Hayden added, “Thank you to all the teachers and helpers for taking us to the beautiful zoo, some of us have never been before.”


We wish you a lovely weekend.

Team 4!


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