Friday 12th January 2018


In Maths we have been continuing with our work on fractions. In particular, the children have been finding equivalent fractions and adding fractions with the same denominator, sometimes with the total being greater than one whole.

In English we have been continuing our Captain Hook character description, using a variety of sentence openers, noun phrases and figurative language. Here is a phrase from 4HA’s Showstopper Writer this week: ‘The devilish captain, menacingly gazed at the retreating crew, intimidating them as they sailed the rippled, moonlit sea.’

In RE we have begun our unit on Revelations by looking at the multi-faith element of Diwali. We have been studying Rangoli – an artform handed down through the generations, typically painted outside people’s doors to welcome the Goddess Lakshmi and her good luck in. The children designed and created their own patterns along the walkways in school.

Please check your child’s school bag for the maths homework sheet and their diary, where they should have written their spellings to be completed over the next week.

Wishing you a wonderful weekend,

Team 4  🙂

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