Telling the Time

This week in maths we have been learning to tell the time. The children have been doing well to read and write the time from and onto analogue clocks as well as digital. Some have even explored the 24 hour clock. To round the week off, we have been solving time problems related to real life.

Telling the time can be quite tricky for lots of children and the journey to becoming ‘time-confident’ can be a long one. So thank you if you have already been supporting the work we are doing in school by helping your children with time-related home learning. Below are some quick and easy activities and key teaching points that you could try in addition to the activities set on MyMaths and Abacus.

  • Ask your child at different points throughout the day to read the time and unpick their understanding by asking if it is AM or PM, how may minutes it is until a given point or if they can express this a different way, e.g. 25 minutes past the hour is also 35 minutes to the next hour.
  • Chanting on in one minute, ten minute, quarter/half an hour or one hour intervals can help to reinforce your child’s understanding of key knowledge such as there being 60 seconds in 1 minute and 60 minutes in 1 hour. Watch out for common mistakes such as saying after 3:59 comes 3:60.

We hope you find these ideas useful and not too arduous. Have a restful weekend. We look forward to seeing you on Monday.

Team 4 🙂

One Response

  1. If anyone has found any good websites or other resources to use at home with your children, comment here to share. Thank you!

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