Before the half term…


This week the children have continued to put all of their energy into learning as we approach the half term, which has been marvelous to see.


In our maths this week we have been looking at time. Not only telling the time, but also finding out how much time has passed between different intervals. At home over the half term try and become an expert time teller, reading clocks accurately and being able to tell how long it is between different times. Have fun!

In our Literacy we have been thinking about the feelings of the different characters in our book and the ways in which we can add extra detail to our writing. Over the half term maybe you would like to write your own story about a time in the past. What extra detail would you include? How would your characters be feeling?


As you will be aware, on the Tuesday after half term we will have a special visitor coming in to teach us all about the Saxons! To make the day even more special we would like it if you could come dressed as a Saxon! These costumes do not need to be anything newly bought a long t-shirt over some trousers is very authentic! Here’s a picture below to provide some inspiration:


Have a wonderful half term!

Thank you,

Year 4 Team