This Week in Year 4

Well, what a busy three days!

The children new to year four have settled into the routines excellently. They are rising to the higher expectations of year four and showing great potential already.


Today, they were issued with their home learning diaries, adventure books, presentation guidelines and home learning pyramids.

Please find attached the pyramid as well as a copy of the presentation guidelines.

Children were very excited to hear the news about the trip to Marwell zoo on the 21st September. The letter for this is also attached.

We hope the children had an enjoyable first week and we look forward to a busy year. Keep checking the blog each week to find out what the children have been learning and for more news on latest events.

The year 4 team.

Marwell Trip letter Bloom’s

HL – Circle of Life autumn 1

Non-negotiables for literacy

Non-negotiables for MATHS