World Book Day

Hi everyone,


We hope that you are all well – it has been lovely to see  you all again at parent’s evening to discuss the children’s learning and progress. Last week, we really enjoyed dressing up for World Book Day as our favourite story characters. Please see the photos below…


In English, we have started our learning on Jemmy Button and creating our own paintings to illustrate the journey taken by Jemmy throughout the story. We have also generated expanded noun phrases and used thesauruses to make powerful descriptions. In Maths, we have been having lots of fun completing our potions problems, as part of our learning on measurement and statistics.


A few reminders for next week: 

  • Mother’s Day sale to take place next week.
  • Please ensure your child continues their Times Table Rockstars practise for 10 mins a day, using the sound check option.
  • Red and yellow home learning books to be completed and returned to school on Friday  17th March 2023.


We hope you all have a pleasant weekend,

Best wishes,

Year Four Team

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