Fun opportunities in Year Four!

Hello everyone,


We hope that you are all doing well and having a good week so far,


We have been enjoying lots of fun opportunities at St. Peter’s this week! The children really enjoyed performing their Boneyard Rap poem to the Year Two children – they had a fantastic time and used their voices, facial expressions and gestures in order to really bring the poem to life. Well done Year Four! We would also like to say a big well done to our Worship Teams, who have worked hard to plan and deliver classroom Liturgical Prayers to the rest of the class – recently, the children created a Collective Worship on the Annuniciation and they took the children to the prayer garden to share their prayers as the passed the archway and statue of Mary. Please see the photos below…



A few brief reminders for next week:

  • Friday 20th January – Y4 sewing afternoon with parents and carers. Please contact St. Peter’s if you would like to attend!
  • Home learning (spelling, vocabulary and maths) to be returned back to class by Friday 20th January 2023.
  • Please continue to practise daily on Times Table Rockstars, in order to prepare for the Y4 multiplication check.
  • Spring Term reading passports – please make use of the school and local libraries in order to enjoy a wide selection of texts across the Spring Term.


We hope you all have a great weekend,

Best Wishes,

Year Four Team

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