Feeling Festive!

Hi everyone,

We hope you are all well and feeling prepared for the Christmas season!

This week, we have had lots of exciting activities and events at St. Peter’s. For example, the children watched the ‘Jack and the Beanstalk’ pantomime and had a fantastic time taking part in the performance! We would like to thank all of the children, staff, parents and volunteers who supported the end of term Carol Service at Sacred Heart Church, Waterlooville. Well done to all of the year 4 participants, who took part in the nativity role play, signing of the carols, instrumentals and the choir songs. We are incredibly proud of all that the children have achieved this year at St. Peter’s. Please see the photos below…

A few quick reminders:

  • Inset day on Friday 16th Decmeber 2022
  • Last day of term on Thursday 15th December 2022
  • First day of Spring Term Tuesday 3rd January 2023
  • Children to complete their RE home learning in their red homework book, ready to hand in after the Christmas holidays


We wish you all a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!

Best wishes,

Year Four Team

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