Spooky spider learning!

Hi everyone,

We hope that you are all doing well and having a great week, despite the weather recently!

This week, we have been creating our own sentences for our new unit of learning, Spider Diaries. We have focused on the following skills:

  • Verbs and adverbs
  • Main and subordinate clauses
  • Spider nouns
  • Subordinating conjunctions

As the week progressed, we used whiteboard work in order to practise generating our own sentences using technical vocabulary. We were very impressed by the children’s examples that they generated in teams! Please see the photo below…



In Maths, we have been using the bus stop method to help us divide 2 and 3 digit numbers. We have discussed remainders and what to do when there are ones left over at the end of our calculations. We have enjoyed using multiplication facts to help us decide how many ‘groups’ fit into each number.

A few reminders for next week:

  • Odd Socks day on Monday 14th November – this will form part of our Anti Bullying Week. No donations are required, please just come to school wearing your odd socks!
  • Whole School Flu vaccination – this will be in the form of a nasal spray and will take place on Wednesday 16th November.
  • Please bring your red and yellow home learning books to school by Friday 18th November 2022.
  • Continue to practise your Times Table Rockstars and daily reading.

Best wishes,

Year 4 Team




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