Cross Curricular Learning

Hello everyone,

We hope that you have all been enjoying the week so far.


We have been enjoying lots of cross curricular learning in Year Four! We have been playing the xylophone in music and compsoing our own beats and rhythms to ABBA music. In Computing, we have been discussing internet safety and exploring case studies, sharing our views on what respect means and how we can demonstrate this towards others on the internet and keep ourselves safe online. Please take a look at the children’s responses, below:



In English, we have started our new unit of learning on ‘Leon and the Place Between’. The children have had lots of fun when taking part in paired reads from the story, using highlighters to complete their detective work and find clues from the extracts in order to infer how each character feels. In Maths, we have used a variety of strategies in order to add and subtract numbers, including place value grids, counters, diennes and mental maths techniques such as, ‘if I know 7 + 2, I know 70 + 20 and 700 + 200’. Next week, we look forward to learning about money and completing multi-step problems to calculate the amount of change left over at the end of a purchase.


Here’s a few quick reminders for next week:

  • Tuesday 11th October 2022: Year 3 and 4 Mass at Sacred Heart Church, Waterlooville. We would really appreciate if any parents or carers would like to join us and volunteer to walk to and from the Church with the children on this date.
  • Please ensure your child brings completed tasks their yellow home reading journal (i.e. a book review on a text they are currently reading) and their red homework books (spelling, vocabulary and maths) by Friday 14th October.
  • Glow Disco will be taking place at St. Peter’s on Friday 14th October – please do contact the office and check the school website for further details.


We hope you have a pleasant weekend and we look forward to seeing you all again on Monday,

Best wishes,

Year Four Team

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