Practical Learning in Year Four

Hello everyone,

We hope that you are all having a great week so far!

Year Four have been very busy taking part in lots of group work and practical tasks this week. In Science, the children were very engaged when working in groups in order to create circuits and test materials that were electrical insulators or conductors – please see the images below.


In English, the children have continued their learning on Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone – we have orally rehearsed sentences with a partner to include the following skills: Expanded Noun Phrases, Nouns/Pronouns, Perfect Present Tense and Subordinating Conjunctions. Next week, we look forward to drafting and publishing our very own school Howlers, for Harry, Ron and Hermione.


In Maths, we have been using a range of resources to support our learning on Place Value. For instance, we have been using diennes and place value counters in order to compare and order 3 and 4 digit numbers. We were very impressed by the children’s use of the following vocaulary words, in order to explain their ideas: thousands, hundreds, tens, ones, greater, smaller. We have also been using ‘crocodile arms’ (< and > symbols) in order to describe sequences of numbers and compare their values.


Quick reminders for next week:

  • Monday 19th September: Bank Holiday.
  • Wednesday 21st September: Y4 Parent Welcome Meeting at 3.25pm, in the Y4 classroom.
  • Friday 23rd September: CAFOD ‘wear it bright’ non-school uniform day (£1.00 donation please).
  • Friday 23rd September: Children to hand in their red home learning books (spelling, vocabulary, Maths).


We hope you have a peaceful and relaxing weekend,

Best Wishes,

Year 4 Team

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