We made it!

Hello everyone,

We hope you are keeping well. So half term is nearly here and the children have worked so hard and had another fantastic half term. We are now at the half way point in the academic year and we are so proud of the progress the children have made!

In English, pupils have been exploring different sentence structure particulary looking at Alan Peate sentences. Here they looked at 2 pairs, (exhausted and fragile, tired and anxious), 3 ings (rolling, foaming, roaring, the waves crashed into the boat) and with a (With a deep breathe, Jemmy set foot on the new island). They then created their own using these models which they will later use in their final writes.

In Maths, the pupils are continuing their addition and subtraction unit. Craefully exploring place value, exchanging and carrying. When they come back from half term, they will look at measurements within addition and subtraction.

This week the children have been very busy with their STEM day. Through the year, the children need to understand what makes a habitat, what poses threats to habitats, classification of animals and the life cycles. Koalas and Kangaroos needed to study different biomes and the habitiats within them and how animals adapted. They then worked in groups to create their own biome thinking very carefully how they could show cross section of their havitiat, carefully designing to ensure their chosen creature could surive. Photos to follow, keep an eye out on the blog!

A few polite reminders –

  • Friday 18th February is an Inset Day and the start to the half term .Children are to return to school on Monday 28th February 2022.
  • Please send your child into school with appopriate PE wear on Monday 28th February 2022.
  • Spellings, vocabulary, reading journals and maths homeowrk is due on Friday 4th March 2022.
  • World Book Day is on Thursday 3rd March 2022. We look forward to seeing the children dressed as fantastic characters from their favourite books.

We hope you have a wonderful half term and a well deserved break. We look forward to seeing you on Monday 28th February 2022.


Keep safe and keep smiling,

Miss Jackson-Nash, Mis Honeywell and Mrs Cairns

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