Countdown to the Summer!

Hello everyone,

We hope you are keeping well and enjoying the sun.

This week in English, the children have been busy designing their own monsters. Here they explored lots of vibrant vocabulary and created expanded noun phrases to annotate their creatures. Next week, the children will be writing their own character description for their monster creations.

In Maths we have been putting their problem solving skills to the test. Using dip and pick problems, the children used their fractions, place value knowledge, multiplication and division skills. Next week, to finish the year Koalas and Kangaroos will look at roman numerals, rounding and place value.

A few polite reminders,

  • There will be no homework for the last week of school. However if they would like to complete any home learning, please use Times Table Rockstars and practise their Year3-4 spellings from this year.
  • Friday 23rd July 2021 is the last day of term! Please send your child in with a plastic carrier bag so they are able to bring most of their book homes. Also note that Year 4 will be finishing at 1.40pm, collection as normal.

As this is our last blog post of the year we would  like to thank you for all of your support and to the children for their amazing hard work. They will continue to thrive in year 5, and we will truly miss them.


We hope you all have an amazing summer holiday filled with sun and laughter!

With every best wish,

Miss Jackson-Nash , Miss Honeywell and Mrs Cairns

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