Friday 24th April 2020 Home Learning

Hello everyone!

We hope you are keeping  healthy, staying safe and are happy during this crazy time. At least the sun is shining! For the children we have called this week, it has been lovely catching up with you and hearing all about the fantastic home learning that is taking place. If you haven’t got a call from us yet, don’t worry you will very soon.  Us year 4 teachers have been busy working hard in and out of school, but we have also enjoyed the lovely sun in the garden and we’ve been brushing up on our baking skills! The year 4 team really miss seeing your lovely smiles, but hopefully it won’t be much longer until we see you again. In the meantime, keep up with the good work and now you have the chance to choose one piece of your best work each week and you can send them to us to see. Just send the picture to your teacher’s email. We can’t wait to see your excellent work! (Miss Jackson-Nash – Year 4) (Miss Honeywell – Year 4)

Reading comprehension

Last term, as you know we were studying traditional tales and exploring the different themes and conventions that they held. For example both Peter Pan and Robin Hood held similar themes such as ‘Good vs. Evil/ damsel in distress’

First reading task: What different themes and conventions are normally found in Traditional tales?

For your second reading task, we would like you to chose two traditional tales and complete the table below.

Traditional Tales Similar Themes and conventions Different themes and conventions.









Challenge: Can you discuss and write down a time where you can relate to any of these themes and conventions? For example have you ever stood up against evil? Have you ever over come your fear? Have you ever been the ‘damsel in distress’? Is there anyone in your life that is like a hero?

In addition, please continue to read 20-30 minutes daily. Try and read a range of texts too.


Writing activity

As a birthday treat geologist Dorothy Stoffel, was taken by her husband Keith, who was also a geologist, in a plane over Mount St Helens. Dorothy was overwhelmed and in awe of the huge mountain and its crater, until it started to shake and segments of the mountain began to fall. She realised she was flying over an erupting volcano!

This is a photo that Dorothy took from the Aeroplane as the Volcano started to erupt!

For your writing task this week, imagine you are Dorothy. Write a recount of the events that happened. Be creative! You could write this as a diary entry, a newspaper interview, a letter to warn people not to fly over volcanoes!

Be sure to use: dramatic language, conjunctions (as a result, consequently, whenever, which) and use your 5 w’s to help you add detail (who, what, when, where, why).


This week, we would like you to revise the following Y3/4 spelling homophones from our list:

Too  two  to  main  mane  weight  wait  ate  eight

Pick one of the following strategies, to practise your words: silly sentences, spelling stair case or spelling spirals. Now draw each word.

Please note: for those working on Y2 common exception words, use the following online ‘Bouncing Anagram’ game (use ‘single player’ mode).



To consolidate our learning on dividing numbers by 1, 10, 100, watch the video on bitesize. Then using a dice, roll a 3, 4 or five digit number.

Then divide the number by 1, 10 and 100 (can you challenge yourself and divide it by 1000?)

  • When you divide by 1 the answer stays the same. 21 ÷ 1 = 21
  • When you divide by 10, move all the digits one place to the right. 210 ÷ 10 = 21
  • When you divide by 100, move all the digits two places to the right. 2100 ÷ 100 = 21

Make your own place value grid to help you. Think about what place values you need. What if your number becomes a decimal?


Can you divide numbers to create a decimal (for example 7 ÷ 100 = )

What did you notice? How could you change the number?

Remember that sumdog, times tables rockstars and My Maths have also been updated with activities.


As we already know, animals are categorised into predators, prey, producers.  We also know it is very important that there remains a balance in the food chain otherwise it may affect animals further up the food chain (for example, if there was no grass, the rabbits would not have anything to eat, which would then affect the foxes).

Your science task this week is to fill out the worksheet to consolidate your learning.

(Image of worksheets below. Apologies for those experiencing problems with the website. Hopefully the link above will now work)

Once you have completed the sheet- Can you create your own food chain model. Here are some ideas of how you can make this…



On Tuesday 28th April,  Author  Robin Price will be reading Beowuff  on the following site – This is an excellent resource that follows our topic theme of Anglo-Saxons.

These workshops will provide your child with lots of learning opportunities such as;

Listen to an author, learn how to plan their own stories, show different techniques to start their own gripping story, to learn more about a historical period and participate in fun quizzes.

Anglo-Saxon Viking theme with readings of Beowuff by Robin Price suitable for ages 8+

Download the workshop materials before:


Music (Mrs Sumba)  

Steve Reich and Music for 18 Musicians.

Go to the website below and watch Naomi Wilkinson’s video about Steve Reich. Try to answer her questions and join in with the activities she sets.


Can you create your own short rhythmic pattern (motif?)

What could you play it on?

Can other people in your family create their own and can you play them at the same time?


Art (Mrs Pearson)

Art Challenge: UNDER THE SEA

The title for your art this week is ‘Under the Sea’.  This can take the form of a drawing, a painting, a sculpture,  a collage or anything else that you would like to create. As always, I’m sure you will impress me with your creativity!

Here are some ideas

However, if this doesn’t appeal to you can still send any other art work to me and I will post that on the Blog too.

Please email your artwork to me:

Thank you

Keep creating and keep safe!



Design and Technology:

Before the schools shut, Year 4 was planning on opening their own St Peters Subway to make and serve a friend a sandwich.

We tested and evaluated different deli products, understood the nutrition food gave and designed a sandwich for a friend by listening carefully to what they liked. Once the children had designed their product, we then went through how to make this sandwich, what tools we would need and how to stay safe in the kitchen. We were all ready to go, but unfortunately the schools shut. So your task this week is to combine all these skills help create something in the kitchen. This could be a sandwich, wrap, pitta, baked goods or a lunch time meal! Take a photo of your masterpiece and annotate it with the skills you used!


STEM – family activity:

The activity: Make objects move without touching them by charging them with static electricity. ExpeRiment: with different objects to see how static electricity affects them. Learn about charged particles like electrons and how things gain or lose charge. – for a video clip about the experiment and a full version of the activity information sheet.

What you will need:

  • A balloon • A cotton towel or T-shirt or a woolly jumper • Some scrap paper • A paper/plastic drinking straw (optional) • An empty 500ml plastic drinks bottle (optional) • A hard plastic comb or ruler (optional) • Other household objects to test.

What to do:

  • Charge up a balloon and try picking up scraps of paper with it.
  • Investigate whether the amount you rub the balloon affects how much paper it can pick up.
  • Investigate whether the size of the scraps of paper makes a difference.
  • Find out how close you have to be to the paper before the balloon makes it move.
  • Try bending a stream of water like Hector does in the video.
  • Try balancing a straw on top of a bottle lid and seeing if you can make it spin like in the video.
  • Find out which objects are attracted to the charged up balloon and which are repelled by it.
  • Try holding a charged balloon near your hair or your skin.

Going Further:

Try rolling an empty soft drink can along the ground using a charged up balloon

Try lighting up a fluorescent lightbulb with a charged up balloon – as described here:

Try tying two balloons to strings and seeing if you can charge them up with static electricity then hang them up so they repel each other.

Read more about static electricity MoreStaticScience


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