Another busy week…


We hope that you are all well and that you have been enjoying the weekend so far (despite the rain!)

In English, the children have published and evaluated their first person diary entries about the siege of Castle Grotteskew. We were delighted by the variety of skills that the children had confidently and successfully applied across their writing: fronted adverbials, dialogue, possessive apostrophes and a range of sentence types (including relative and subordinate clauses). Well done Year 4! On Friday, the children took part in a History Deep learning day – we focused on a variety of skills as part of our Anglo Saxon learning e.g. making hypotheses, studying clues, sorting statements into true/false groups and deducing information from a range of historical sources. Both classes created a variety of plausible and interesting predictions – great work, everyone!

In Maths, we have continued our learning on measures through the context of calculating perimeter (cm, m and km). In particular, we have focused upon a range of strategies to find the total distance around the outside edge of a range of shapes – e.g. halving and doubling for rectilinear shapes, multiplying by the number of sides for regular 2D shapes, and using multi-link to create a measurable scale for more complex tasks. Please see the photos below of what we found out…

In Science, we have started our learning on States of Matter. We have been looking closely at solids, liquids and gases, using particle drawings and diagrams to help explain each state of matter and how each one can be reached. We look forward next week to learning more about changes of state, as part of our cross-curricular learning on The Snowman in our new English unit. Please see the photos below of practical group work completed in Science…


We look forward to seeing you all next week, and look forward to hearing about how the children have got on with their new Sumdog challenges! Please also note that there will be a Y3/4 Spelling Workshop for parents after school on Monday 11th November 2019 (5.30 – 6.15 pm).

Kind regards,

Miss Honeywell, Miss Jackson Nash and Mrs Cairns.

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