Friday 10th May 2019

Dear all,

In maths this week, we have been continuing our measure’s unit and be apply our converting skill to solving real life problems involving money. We have solved problems whilst having to convert between £ and p and using decimal (tenth and hundredths). We will be continuing with our measures units next week with telling the time and solving problems involving the passing of time.

In English, we have been creating precise description about mythical creatures. The children have also critically evaluated a piece of descriptive writing for its effectiveness and effect of the reader. Next week we will continue to look at examples of non-chronological reports for text and language features.

In RE we looked at Jesus’ ascension to heaven. We used scripture and visualisations to imagine we were one of the disciples watching this amazing event and begin to write a diary entry from the disciples’ point of view.


Golden Key:

4S: Iannis Milia: ‘For using the gifts God has given him to share his knowledge and learning enthusiastically with others.’

4B: Louis Read: ‘For using the gifts God has given him to be a thoughtful, hardworking and supportive member of the class.’

Showstopper Writer:

4S: Reuben Jose: ‘For producing a well thought out critically analysis of a piece of writing for effectiveness and effect on the reader.’

4B: Joshua Green: ‘For using effective descriptive language to describe his mythical creature.’


A letter has gone out about our upcoming Y3/4 Mass at Sacred Heart on Tuesday 21st May. If you are able to walk with us from school to the church or will be attending the mass, could you please return the slip at the bottom of the letter as soon as possible.  Thank you.

We hope you have a lovely weekend.

The Year 4 Team

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