Monthly Archives: May, 2023

Copy and paste the links below into Youtube to listen to some of our podcasts!

Podcast One:

Podcast Two:

Podcast Three:

Podcast Four:

Podcast Five:

Podcast Six:

Podcast Seven:

Podcast eight:

Podcast Nine:

Podcast Ten:

We were learning to:

  • Record voice recording using clear intonation and expression
  • Import sound effects and/or background music using kid sound board
  • Align the audio so the background noises fit with the voice recordings
  • Edit the imported audio if needed – cutting it using the trimming symbol.
  • Listen to and review our project throughout, editing audio to improve quality.
  • Check the volume of the tracks making sure the background noise was quieter than the audio recordings.

Have a go creating Podcast over the holidays whilst having fun in the sun!!

Team Four