The Digestive System

Hello everyone,


We hope that you are all well and keeping safe.


We have been having lots of fun with our Science learning in Year Four. In our current unit of work, we have been studying the parts of the Human Digestive System and have even explored non-fiction pages on this topic, as part of our Guided Reading sessions. Last week, both of the year four classes made a human digestive system in small groups. It was lots of fun to see how the stomach acid was used to break down the food and to watch the release of nutrients through the intestinal walls as they passed into the blood stream! Please see a selection of photos below…



A few quick reminders: 


  • The children have been given RE home learning for the Easter break – when we return to school after half term, the children shall be learning about the Resurrection of Christ and the impact of this miracle upon His believers. We would like all pupils to complete their 3-page RE task, as an alternative to the standard spelling, vocabulary and maths home learning slips this week. We ask for all pupils to return these completed activities to school, after the Easter break.


  • On Friday 21st April 2023, the children in Y4 shall be taking part in an Earthquake STEM day, as part of our Geography learning. In the weeks leading up to this date, please could your child bring in any junk modelling materials to school, such as cardboard boxes, toilet rolls, egg cartons, etc. This is because the children shall be creating structures and investigating the impact of Earthquakes and tremors upon buildings and infrastructure.


Have a wonderful Easter break,

Best wishes,

Year Four Team

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