Year Four Learning

Hi everyone,


We hope that you are all well and keeping safe. This week, the children have had a very busy week! In English, we have been drafting and editing our Spider Information pages – the children have worked so hard on generating a spooky, terrifying creature! We are very impressed by their use of nouns, pronouns, conjunctions and statistical information. Well done everyone!

In Maths, we have been studying tenths and hundredths – we began with the context of money, discussing how there are 100 pennies in a pound and 1 pence is a hundredth of the pound coin, with 10p being worth a tenth of 100 pence. As the week progressed, we looked closely at using various models and representations to prove our workings to add and subtract decimal fractions, e.g. bar models, number lines, part whole models, column method.


Here’s a few updates for next week:

  • Please continue to complete the reading passport challenge – the deadline to complete this task is Thursday 1st December 2022.
  • Please ensure that your child continues to practise and log in to Times Table Rockstars, to best prepare them for the Y4 Multiplication Check in June.
  • Parents Evening sessions will take place on Tuesday 22nd November and Wednesday 23rd November 2022. We look forward to seeing you all there!


We hope that you all enjoy the rest of the week – wishing you a pleasant weekend!

Best wishes,

Year Four Team

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