Visit to Sacred Heart

Hello everyone,


We hope that you are all having a pleasant week and that you have been enjoying the brief moments of Autumn sunshine we have had so far!


This week, the children in Year Three and Four celebrated Mass together at Sacred Heart Church with Father James. The theme of the service was fresh beginnings and blessings for special occasions in our lives. During the Homily, the children shared their ‘first time’ experiences, and we discussed how God is always with us when we begin new ventures and activities in our lives. Each pupil then received a special rosary to take home with them at the end of the day. Thank you to all parents and carers who volunteered and walked with the children to and from Church, and a big well done to the children for their readings and to Alonso for being a fantastic altar server! Please see images below…


In English, the children have continued their learning on ‘Leon and the Place Between’, studying new vocabulary words including ‘illusion, transformation and metamorphosis’. Using word webs, we broke down the words into morphemes, then looked up definitions and synonyms before applying each word into a sentence about the circus. In Maths, we have been using the inverse to ‘count up’ the difference to calculate the change from a £10 note when we buy two items in a shop. The children have used a range of strategies to interpret and solve these multi steps problems, including bar models, expanded column and number lines.


A few quick reminders for next week:

  • Children to arrive to school on Monday 17th October in their PE kit.
  • Last day of half term will be Friday 21st October.
  • Please ensure that your child completes their home learning tasks in their red home learning book (spelling, vocabulary and maths) and hands in to their class teacher by Friday 21st October.
  • Please continue to practise on Times Table Rockstars using the ‘sound check’ option, and complete daily reading at home (this could be using a book from your child’s reading passport).


We hope you all enjoy the rest of your week,

Best wishes,

Year Four Team

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