Hello everyone,
We hope you are well and enjoying the sun.
As part of our food technology unit in DT, the children were lucky to take part in a work shop held by UK Harvest which are a fantastic charity that focus on reducing food waste! During the workshop the pupils were challenged with the task of creating a healthy pizza using rescued vegetables and ingredients. They needed to knead, spread, measure and prepare their ingredients.
Once ready, they were able to watch their healthy pizzas cook and create their pizza boxes that had a clear message “Stop wasting food!”
We have had a fun packed week with Sports Day, food workshop and carnival on Friday so keep an eye out for more photos to come!
A few polite reminders –
- Please send your child into school on Friday wearing Australian themed clothes. Also if your child has Australian animals or pool inflatables then they would look great in the parade!
- Homework is due on Friday 1st July 2022.
- Year 4 overnight camping stay is on Friday 1st July 2022. If you are able to provide a tent, please could you let any of the year 4 team know. If you are bringing a tent for your child to share, please come and help pitch up from 7.30-8.30 on Friday morning.
Have a lovely weekend,
Miss Jackson-Nash, Miss Honeywell, Miss Ranson and Mrs Woolston