Diversity Week and Holy Week 2022
Hi there,
We hope that you are all doing well. The last couple of weeks have been lots of fun at St. Peter’s! We have enjoyed celebrating Diversity Week and exploring Judaism and Islam.
We were lucky enough to be able to have a workshop with Rabbi Svi during the week – we turned the Unity building into a Synagogue and the children listened to songs and Jewish scripture from the Torah. We also learnt about Yom Kippur and listened to the sound of a ram’s horn as we asked forgiveness for our sins, just as we have done during Lent in the Christian faith. Year Four were fascinated to know the origins and meanings of their Hebrew names and how these related to the names of specific characters from the Bible. Please see the photos below…
We also enjoyed going on a virtual tour around a famous Mosque, listening to the ‘call to prayer’ and exploring the religious artefacts and steps utilised by Muslims as part of their daily acts of worship. The children were very engaged by the session – they had lots of questions and were able to use lots of key vocabulary in their responses, including the following: Qur’an, Mecca and ‘daily salah’. In particular, the children enjoyed drawing their own comparisons between Christianity and Islam, regarding types of prayer and religious places of worship.
The children have also enjoyed listening to ‘Passion plays’ this week, as part of our journey through Holy Week. We have been reflecting on the events leading up to the death and Resurrection of Jesus – in particular, Year Four have been comparing the reaction of the crowds on Palm Sunday compared to those witnessed at the Trial of Jesus.
We hope you have a great weekend,
Best Wishes,
Miss Honeywell, Miss Jackson-Nash, Mrs Cairns and Miss Ranson