Busy Week!

Hello everyone,


We hope you are keeping well and safe.

This week in English, we are coming to an end on our Jemmy Button unit. The children have drafted, edited and published fantastic stories in which they were writing a narrative and setting description about Orundelcio’s journey to Britain. Our next unit, we will focus on climate change and natural disasters with our final outcome being a letter to Greta Thunberg herself!

In Maths, we have started our new unit of multiplication and division. We have already unpicked a multistep problem, looked at different representations of the two operations and recapping strategies we may have used in the past. Next week, we will use different strategies to help us multiply and divide three/four digit numbers! Please continue to encourage your children to use Times Tables Rockstars regularly as this will really support them in this unit and prepare them for the Multiplication test in summer.

A few polite reminders –

  • Firstly, it was lovely to see you all (virtually) for parents’ evening. We really enjoyed sharing with you the amazing hard work your child has put in this year. If you have any further questions, please do not hesitate to grab us on the playground!
  • Please send your child in the correct PE uniform on Monday 14th March.
  • Reminder that vocabulary, spellings, maths and reading journals are due Thursday 17th March 2022.
  • We are excited to welcome back Miss Ranson, student teacher in Koalas. Here’s to another fantastic term!

We hope you have a fantastic weekend,

Miss Jackson-Nash, Miss Honeywell, Mrs Cairns and Miss Ranson

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