Friday 11th February 2022

Hello everyone,

We hope you are well and keeping safe.

This week, we have been very busy with our learning. In English, we have been recording dialogue that we inferred from Jemmy Button by Jennifer Uman and using the accurate punctuation. We considered upskilling our language by using excited verbs and adverbs, along with detail in between the speech. Next week, we will begin to plan, draft and edit our descriptive story of Jemmy Button as our final write.

In Maths, we have begun our new unit on addition and subtraction. Here the children will revisit previously taught strategies such as number lines and expanded column method. We will also look at number bonds in four digit numbers and how this can help with our mental maths.

A few polite reminders,

  • There will be an inset day on Friday 18th February 2022, so last day of term for the children is Thursday!
  • PE kits to be worn on Thursday 17th February for CM sports.
  • Spellings, reading journals and maths homework to be completed by Thursday 17th February 2022.
  • Next Wednesday, we will have a STEM day where the children will study habitats and create their own biomes.  If your child has any preference on which habitat they would like to create for their model, please could they bring any additional materials or details they feel would enhance this project (e.g. leaves, stones, pebbles, etc).
  • We shall be creating our money carriers in class soon. We would like for every child to bring in any decorations they would like to add to their money carrier, to attach to their money carrier at school. Materials, zips, poppers and buttons will be provided however please do encourage your child to think about who they have chosen to design their purse/wallet for and which decorations or details they feel would be appropriate.


Thank you for all your support at home, we hope you have a lovely and relaxing weekend,

Miss Jackson-Nash, Miss Honeywell & Mrs Cairns

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