Hello everyone,
We hope you are keeping well and safe. It was lovely to see all the children return back to school keen to learn and with recharged batteries.
In English this week, we have continued our spider diaries unit and explored the use of subordinate conjunctions. We have looked at different spider statistics and applied our new skill into sentences. We are now beginning to draft and edit our final non-chronological reports which when finished will be shared to other children around the school to read and find out lots of spider facts!
In Maths, we started have started our new multiplication and division unit. This week the children have used their metacognitive approach to answer a two step problem. They had to plan out what strategies and tools they would use and then reflected on which worked well. Next week we will look at grid method and multiplying larger numbers.
Just before half term, some children were chosen to participate in a hockey skills tournament held by Havant Hockey Team. The children were given the opportunity to practise passing, shooting, attacking and defending in Hockey and then applied these skills to a match against a local school. The children worked very well as team and as a result they won 2:0. Well done Koalas and Kangaroos!
Just a few quick reminders for next week:
- Spelling and vocabulary home learning books due on Thursday 11th November 2021.
- Reading Journals are due on Thursday 11th October 2021. Could we also encourage children to write detailed book reviews including the likes and dislikes. Some children are bringing in beautiful pictures and drawings however have forgotten to review what they have read.
- Please encourage your children to use Times Table Rockstars in order to build their times table facts and fluency.
We hope that you all have a lovely week.
Miss Jackson-Nash, Miss Honeywell, Mrs Cairns and Miss Ranson