Monthly Archives: October, 2021

Another Busy Week!

Hello everyone,

We hope you are keeping well and safe.

Once again, the children have been working exceptionally hard this week. In English, we have begun our new ‘Spooky’ unit on the Spider Diaries! We started the week by watching videos on the most dangerous, intelligient and colourful spiders. We then discussed spiders’ antonomy, such as spinnert, segmented body, spiracle, pedipalps and so on. With this new techincal language , the children were able create exciting expanded noun phrases to label their own spider creations. Next week, we will look at non-fiction texts so the pupils can start to plan how they would like to present their own non-fiction text about their spiders.

In Maths, the children have been putting their addition and subtraction skills to the test by using their strategies such as expanded column and numberlines to answer multistep problems. Next week we will begin our measurement units and explore perimeter, area and conversions of lengths.

This term in Science, the children have been exploring simple electrical circuits. We have learnt about conductors and insulators, how electrical charge flows through, what components are within a circuit and how to keep safe when using electrics. This weeks lesson   we made an electrical circuit in the playground. We started with a closed circuit, one bulb and one battery. We then discussed what happened if the circuit became open, where the electrical charge would go. We also explored what would happen if we added extra bulbs and batteries.

Just a few quick reminders for next week:

  • Spelling and  vocabulary home learning books due on Thursday 21st October 2021.
  • Reading Journals are due on Thursday 21st October 2021.
  • Please remind your child to wear their PE kit to school on Thursday 21st October 2021.
  • Please encourage your children to use Times Table Rockstars in order to build their times table facts and fluency.
  • Next week, we will begin to make our torches. We have plenty of resources here at school, however if at home you have spare toilet roll tubes, pringle cans, arts and crafty bits then they would be very apperciated!

We hope that you all enjoy the rest of your week,

Miss Jackson-Nash, Miss Honeywell, Mrs Cairns and Miss Ranson

Hello everyone,

We hope that you are well and keeping safe.

This week, the children have continued their learning on Tin Forest. We really enjoyed creating a newspaper report as part of our apprentice write, in order to describe the key character and give further details about items/tools around the scrapyard. As the week progressed, we explored a variety of narrative devices used within diary entries, before studying a WAGOLL example to compare how the old man in the story felt in each type of forest. In addition, Year Four enjoyed using their subordinating conjunction mats to create a variety of ‘Whitebus’ sentences about our story. We now look forward to creating a diary entry of our own about the old man’s experiences!

In Maths, we have been learning how to use the expanded column methods in order to add and subtract numbers. In particular, we have used a variety of Maths tools including place value counters, charts and diennes. This has helped the children to reason and explain when studying how 4 digit numbers change throughout the course of a multi step problem. We really enjoyed working in groups and using the Maths equipment to justify how we carry and exchange numbers. Next week, we shall continue subtract numbers in the context of money and begin to multiply and divide numbers in the context of measures.

Just a few quick reminders for next week:

  • Spelling and vocabulary home learning books due on Thursday 7th October 2021.
  • Please remind your child to wear their PE kit to school on Monday 11th October 2021.

We hope that you all enjoy the rest of your week,

Kind regards,

Miss Honeywell, Miss Jackson-Nash, Mrs Cairns and Miss Ranson