Hello everyone,
We hope you are well and having a lovely week. We cannot believe how quick Summer 1 has gone! The children have been fantastic as always and have been working so hard!
In English, the children have been busy drafting and editing their own news reports. Here the children needed to research a recent natural disaster and using their writing skills create their own news report. They also needed to think carefully about paragraphing and how to weave in accurate facts and statistics. When we return back from half term, we will be performing them to each other.
In Maths, the children have been exploring the 24hr clock and studied time interval questions where by the needed to convert seconds into minutes, minutes into hours etc. We are going to end out time unit on Friday by looking at a time graph, linking to statistics.
Most children have completed their money carriers in DT! We have been amazed with the effort and thought that has gone into their designs. Each children carefully considered measurements, materials, fastenings and joints. So as promised last week, here are just some of the amazing purses the children created!
A few polite reminders –
- Please ensure that your child is completing times table practise on Times Table Rockstars (sound check – this is the same format as the test! ) https://ttrockstars.com/. The date of the testing beginnings from 15.6.21 therefore it is vital that children practise at home.
- Please send your child into school with their reading journals, vocabulary work and spellings on Thursday 10th May 2021.
- Please send your child into school with the correct PE kit on Monday 7th June 2021.
Lastly, we wanted to say the biggest thank you to the wonderful Miss Hawley who has been in year 4 since Spring 1. Throughout the term, Miss Hawley has had such a wonderful impact on the children sharing many laughs and tears. Although Miss Hawley will be completing her placement just in Year 2 lower in the school, we will truly miss your smile face and positive attitude. We all wish Miss Hawley the best of luck and congratulations on such an amazing term!
We hope you all have a lovely half term and look forward to welcoming you back on Monday 7th June for our last term in year 4!
Miss Jackson-Nash, Miss Honeywell, Mrs Cairns and Miss Hawley.