Hello everybody,
We hope you are keeping well and are having a lovely week.
In English, the children have continued exploring different news articles and reports on natural disasters. We started the week by identifying informative devices and vocabulary. We have also had a large focus on paragraphing, in which the children were tasked to find the purpose identify the topics of each paragraph of given texts Next week, we will begin to draft our own auto cues for a ‘Live News Report’.
In Maths, we began our new Geometry unit. Here the children classified different shapes, identified properties of the shapes such as lines and angles. We also looked closely at finding the perimeter and area of irregular polygons. Next week we will continue with measurements, but having a close study of time.
We have continued our unit on sound and this week the children explored how sound travelled. They carried out the ‘elastic band’ experiment which helped them visualise sound waves and vibrations.
In DT, children have been very busy creating their money carriers. They have measured and cut out templates, made their decorations by referring back to their design briefs. Today the children will being sewing it all together using either running or blanket stitch, and they will attach a fastening! We are really looking forward to seeing the final product and will share these with you next week!
A few reminders –
- Please ensure that your child is completing times table practise on Times Table Rockstars (sound check – this is the same format as the test! ) https://ttrockstars.com/.
- Please send your child into school with their reading journals, vocabulary work and spellings on Thursday 20th May 2021.
- Please send your child into school with the correct PE kit on Monday 17th May 2021 for their CM sports PE session.
Well done for another fantastic week of learning Year 4’s, we look forward to seeing you on Monday. We hope you all have a lovely restful weekend.
Miss Jackson-Nash, Miss Honeywell, Miss Hawley and Mrs Cairns