First Week Back!

Hello everyone,

We hope that you are well, keeping safe and enjoyed a well deserved Easter break. What a busy first week it has been back. It was a pleasure to see some parents during the virtual parent’s evening. It was so lovely to share with you all the amazing work and efforts the children have been putting in. The year 4 team are incredibly proud of how adaptable and resilient the children have been.

The children have jumped straight back into their learning. In English this week, the children have been continuing Jemmy Button. We gave explored different sentence structures, metaphors and similes and finished the week by completing our story plans. Next week, we will be completing our final writes and editing.

In Maths, we started our new subtraction and addition module. Here the children were given three 4 digit numbers in relation to money. Using their metacognition strategies, they needed to chose what suitable strategy to use, try it out and then evaluate. Next week we will continue with subtraction with links to statistics.

A few polite reminders –

  • Please send your child into school with the correct PE kit next Thursday.
  • Spelling, vocabulary homework and reading journals are due in on Thursday 29th April 2021.
  • Please ensure your child completes their maths learning for the week (SumDog and TT Rockstars)
  • Remote parent’s evenings will take place on Monday 26th April and Wednesday 28th April.
  • Now it is Summer term we are using the school field at lunch times, please ensure your child brings in water bottles and sun protection.

We hope that you all have a lovely weekend and that the sun lasts!

From Miss Jackson-Nash, Miss Honeywell, Miss Hawley and Mrs Cairns

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