What a term!

Hello everyone,

We hope that you are well and keeping safe. We would like to thank everyone for their amazing support throughout this spring term at home and school. We are so proud of what the children have achieved and we are looking forward to seeing what they are going to do in the final summer term.

It has been a busy week in Maths with consolidating our fractions, multiplication and division knowledge and using our new maths strategies to answer tricky word problems. In English, we generated and recorded speech inspired by Jemmy Button’s conversation with the visitors. When we return to school, we will continue with Jemmy Button and create a story based narrative.

In DT this week, we have been putting our sewing skills to the test by making face masks. The children needed to cut a template, they measured elastic and chose to join either with back stitch or running stitch. Some pupils challenged themselves and added extra details. Here are some of the final products…

When we return to school, we will be designing our own money carriers. If you would like to bring in any additional resources for your child’s purse then please feel free.

A couple of polite reminders –

  • Children will return to school on Monday 19th April 2021. Please send your children in the correct PE kit.
  • Spelling, vocabulary homework and reading journals are due in on Thursday 22nd April 2021.
  • Remote parent’s evenings begin Wednesday 21st of April.

We hope you all have a lovely and well deserved half term. We look forward to welcoming you all back in April.

Take care everyone,

Miss Jackson-Nash, Miss Honeywell, Miss Hawley and Mrs Cairns

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