Monthly Archives: April, 2021

Music to my Ear!

Hello everyone,

We hope that you are well and keeping safe. Again, it was pleasure to see parents during the the virtual parents evenings. It was so lovely to share with you all the amazing progress and work the children have done.

In English, children have been drafting and editing their final written pieces. Here they wrote a first person narrative about ‘their’ journey from the jungle to the city and included a wide range of Alan Peate sentences, metaphors, similes and show not tell. Next week we will begin our new non-fiction unit on natural disasters, where the final outcome is a news report.

In Maths, the children were presented with multistep problems. Here they had to put all their addition and subtraction knowledge to the test, identify what operation they needed, what strategies to use and how to check using inverse. Next week, we will be looking at more word problems and focusing on heuristics.

The children had lots of fun during science this week when beginning our sound unit. We looked closely at volume and how loud and quiet sounds travel.

A couple of reminders –

  • As mentioned in Parents evening, Year 4 pupils will still be put forward for the multiplication test that will take place during June. This will be a practise and not the official test however it is important children experience what would of taken place and it will allow teachers to see their progress. Therefore we ask that children practise their times tables at home frequently. The test consists of 25 questions (up to 12×12) and children are expected to answer each within 6 seconds. Times Table Rockstars (soundcheck) is a very similar format to the test, so it would be beneficial that children practise on this a few times a week (or daily).
  • Spelling, Vocabulary and Maths homework will be due on Thursday 6th May 2021.
  • In the next couple of weeks children will make their own money carrier. If children would like to bring in their own materials then please feel free, however we do have plenty resources at school.
  • No school on Monday 3rd June 2021 due to a bank holiday.
  • We are looking for the next Cyber Ambassadors. The Year 4 team will be choosing two children from each class who are dedicated, passionate about e-safety and are willing to make a change. If your child is interested, please can you discuss at home why E-Safety is important and what can they do for the school to promote this. We will announce the cyber ambassadors within the next few weeks. Unfortunately, if your child is part of the school council or peer mediators then they will not be able to apply.

We hope you have a lovely long weekend and lets hope the sun stays out!

From Miss Jackson-Nash, Miss Honeywell, Miss Hawley and Mrs Cairns

First Week Back!

Hello everyone,

We hope that you are well, keeping safe and enjoyed a well deserved Easter break. What a busy first week it has been back. It was a pleasure to see some parents during the virtual parent’s evening. It was so lovely to share with you all the amazing work and efforts the children have been putting in. The year 4 team are incredibly proud of how adaptable and resilient the children have been.

The children have jumped straight back into their learning. In English this week, the children have been continuing Jemmy Button. We gave explored different sentence structures, metaphors and similes and finished the week by completing our story plans. Next week, we will be completing our final writes and editing.

In Maths, we started our new subtraction and addition module. Here the children were given three 4 digit numbers in relation to money. Using their metacognition strategies, they needed to chose what suitable strategy to use, try it out and then evaluate. Next week we will continue with subtraction with links to statistics.

A few polite reminders –

  • Please send your child into school with the correct PE kit next Thursday.
  • Spelling, vocabulary homework and reading journals are due in on Thursday 29th April 2021.
  • Please ensure your child completes their maths learning for the week (SumDog and TT Rockstars)
  • Remote parent’s evenings will take place on Monday 26th April and Wednesday 28th April.
  • Now it is Summer term we are using the school field at lunch times, please ensure your child brings in water bottles and sun protection.

We hope that you all have a lovely weekend and that the sun lasts!

From Miss Jackson-Nash, Miss Honeywell, Miss Hawley and Mrs Cairns

What a term!

Hello everyone,

We hope that you are well and keeping safe. We would like to thank everyone for their amazing support throughout this spring term at home and school. We are so proud of what the children have achieved and we are looking forward to seeing what they are going to do in the final summer term.

It has been a busy week in Maths with consolidating our fractions, multiplication and division knowledge and using our new maths strategies to answer tricky word problems. In English, we generated and recorded speech inspired by Jemmy Button’s conversation with the visitors. When we return to school, we will continue with Jemmy Button and create a story based narrative.

In DT this week, we have been putting our sewing skills to the test by making face masks. The children needed to cut a template, they measured elastic and chose to join either with back stitch or running stitch. Some pupils challenged themselves and added extra details. Here are some of the final products…

When we return to school, we will be designing our own money carriers. If you would like to bring in any additional resources for your child’s purse then please feel free.

A couple of polite reminders –

  • Children will return to school on Monday 19th April 2021. Please send your children in the correct PE kit.
  • Spelling, vocabulary homework and reading journals are due in on Thursday 22nd April 2021.
  • Remote parent’s evenings begin Wednesday 21st of April.

We hope you all have a lovely and well deserved half term. We look forward to welcoming you all back in April.

Take care everyone,

Miss Jackson-Nash, Miss Honeywell, Miss Hawley and Mrs Cairns