Home learning wc 1.3.2021

Hello everyone, we hope that you are well and keeping safe. Please take a look at the copies of your weekly home learning tasks below, which are already on your Microsoft Teams.


You shouldn’t need to print anything (you can always write it  out if you need to)  to complete this work, though it would be useful to record your ideas down and keep them together in a notebook or work book at home. You should be able to complete these activities independently as we understand that your grown ups may be working from home at the moment. During the live check in sessions, your teacher will suggest the activities you should complete for each day and she will give you the relevant briefing.


Please note: These live check in sessions will take place three times a day, except Friday afternoon. You will also notice a couple of updates – we have posted a KS2 collective worship video for Monday and Thursday this week as well as a Lenten Calendar and a ‘ticket for Lent’ to accompany the worship sessions that shall take place over the next few weeks. Please find copies of all of these videos and resources on your class Microsoft Teams page, by clicking ‘files’ at the top of the page and then pressing the ‘class materials’ folder and scrolling to the bottom of the list of uploads. 


We will set you new work for next week and this will be posted on Microsoft Teams every Monday so that you have a whole week to work through it from home. Thank you all for working exceptionally hard at home and for sending lots of brilliant examples of home learning to us, keep it up!


A couple of polite reminders:

  • Children are to choose a small selection of pictures of their work to upload onto Teams. This will then allow the teachers to view the work and give brief feedback.
  • Please remind your children to only use the chat bar for learning purposes only. If they have any questions once the live session has ended, they may message the teacher directly on Microsoft Teams.
  • Please remember to check KS2 bedtime stories blog for recently uploaded videos. You may complete the book reviews using these videos.


Take care everyone, from Miss Honeywell, Miss Jackson-Nash, Mrs Cairns and Miss Hawley.


Monday 1st March Key Stage 2 worship

Thursday 4th March Prayer Reflection



L.O: To explore and respond to John Lyons’ poetry: Dancing in the Rain (Part 2)




L.O: To practise and apply knowledge of suffixes: -ous, including test




L.O: To perform a poem




L.O: To analyse ‘Carib Nightfall’




L.O: To analyse ‘Dancing in the Rain’



Support task:

Take a look at John Lyons’ poem, ‘Happy Hummingbird Food’, below. Can you

use a colouring pencil to identify where you can see alliteration? Now try a new

colour to help you locate pairs of rhyming words.


Record your favourite examples of alliteration and rhyme in your work book.

Why did you enjoy them and how did they make you feel as a reader? Use

‘because’ to justify your opinions.


Hummingbird                                                                                                     hummingbird
humming a tune,
happy in June
(when flowers
and roses bloom)
sipping nectar
its favourite food,
loved also by bees.
They both enjoy it
with a natural ease.


Challenge Activity:

Take a look at John Lyons’ poem, ‘Natural Dancing Partners’, below. The poet

has used personification and metaphor, to describe the willow tree and the wind

as two dancing partners. Once you have read the poem, can you fill these gaps?


The arms of the dancer are described as the willow’s _________ .

The feet of the dancer are represented by the ________ of the willow tree.

The ___________ is being used to describe the dancer’s bending back.


The willow and the wind
are natural dancing partners;
look how the willow weeps
with the joy of movement,
skillfully rooted to the spot


Their knowing to move as one
is in the willow’s supple limbs,
bending forwards, backwards,
swaying to the wind’s strength
leading it this way and that.


Take a look at a tree in your garden or local area. Can you sketch the tree in your work book and then add labels to your drawing to describe how the tree looks like a person? Here are some metaphors you could try:


– The fingertips of the trees had twitched in the cold air.

– The exhausted, gnarled joints of the bark had become knotted together in pain.

– The outstretched branches reached out towards me in a gentle embrace.



Have a go at the following words that use the endings ‘-cian’, ‘-sion’, ‘-tion’ and ‘-ssion’.Which strategies could you use to practise them? Choose two from the following list:

  • Word Blocks or pyramids
  • Spelling crossword (include your clues for each word)
  • Can you add further suffixes to each word? E.g. professionally, Optional


Profession Direction
Session Attention
Collision Exclusion
Optician Physician
option Invention


 WEEKLY ASSIGNMENT: Please send a photo or upload a document of your work on poetry so far. You will need to complete all 5 lessons we have set in order to do this.



Daily Arithmetic – As a part of your Maths learning we would like you to complete 10 minutes a day of arithmetic. You can use any of the following websites to practise.


Daily ten – https://www.topmarks.co.uk/maths-games/daily10

TTR – https://ttrockstars.com/

Sumdog – https://www.sumdog.com/en/

Bitesize – https://www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize/subjects/z826n39

Top mark – https://www.topmarks.co.uk/

Maths Frame – https://mathsframe.co.uk/

If you work with Mrs Cairns in the Y4 shared area, please focus on your x3 table this week. Look out for patterns, think about what do I already know.


We will be continuing with our fraction unit.

Lesson 6: LO – To be able to understand what an equivalent fraction is.


Lesson 7: LO – To be able to solve fraction problems using division.


Lesson 8: LO- To be able to compare fractions.


Lesson 9: LO – To be able to order fractions.


Lesson 10: LO- To be able to read and understand mixed numbers.



Using your knowledge of fractions and decimals can you convert the decimals into fractions  find the answer for the sums below.

Remember 1/10 = 0.1   1/100 = 0.01

0.9 – 0.6 =

1 – 0.4 =

0.7 + 0.2 =

0.9 + 4/10 =

1 – 0.4 =

14/10 – 0.9 =

0.65 – 0.51=

Extra challenge – Can you create your own decimal and fraction sums?

Support task:

Lesson 6 – LO- To be able identify and describe non –unit fractions.


Lesson 7 – LO – To be able to find non-unit fractions of quantities.


Lesson 8 – LO – To be able to consolidate non-unit fraction quantities.


Lesson 9 – LO – To be able to compare fractions with the same denominator


Lesson 10 – LO – To be able to compare and order unit fractions.



Guided Reading Home learning – Bedtime stories book review


We will once again be running our Bedtime Stories blog for World Book Day. From Monday 22nd February through to Friday 5th March, we will post a video each evening of a member of staff reading a short story for pupils to hear. Like last year, there will be a KS2 blog: https://blog.stpeterswaterlooville.co.uk/ks2-bedtime-stories/ This year more than any other it would be great for our pupils to watch and listen to members of staff read bedtime stories. Please choose your favourite story from the week, in order write your own book review using the template below.



Star rating:

Date read: _____________

Parent’s signature: ________________


My review:


Religious Education – Revelations and Light

For our final assignment on Revelations, we are going to be learning about Guru Nanak, who founded and revealed the Sikh religion. We shall also study the Sikh Commandments he created, before we begin to explore the Sikh celebration of light over darkness.


Starter Activity:

Take a look at the fact file below on Guru Nanak.

Task 1:

Can you create a character profile for him? Create labels for the image below and include your ideas for what Guru Nanak had told others to do.

Now consider, what is similar and what is different between Guru Nanak and Jesus?


Task 2:

Take a look at the Commandments from the Sikh and Christian faiths.

Can you draw a Venn diagram (two overlapping circles) and use this to compare what is the same and what is different about the Sikh and Christian commandments?


Task 3


The celebration of light over darkness is important for Sikhs.

Hindus and Sikhs all around the world celebrate Diwali, the five day festival of light. This festival celebrates new beginnings, the triumph of good over evil and light over darkness.


Support for Task 3:


Create a decoration that Sikhs could use for the celebration of Diwali and light over darkness. Use the information on the websites below to help you. Think carefully about materials you may already have at home e.g. beads, tissue paper, sequins, etc.





Challenge for Task 3:


Create a Diwali celebration card. Can you include religious symbols from the Sikh religion as well as key phrases to explain why ‘light’ is such a special symbol to the followers of Sikhism?


For example, “We are celebrating the power of light over darkness; we are spreading hope and joy; we remember Guru Nanak who was a shining light of hope when he founded the Sikh faith and encouraged others to live a more honest life through the Sikh Commandments.


Religious Education Independent Task


This task is to be completed independently in order to show me how much you have learnt so far from our Revelations unit. Please send this as a separate piece of work when adding this to your Microsoft Teams Assignments.


Our Key Question: What does it mean to be the Light of the World?


Can you write a paragraph using the following vocabulary words, as part of your answer to our key question?



Luminous Mysteries











Now try to include some of the key Bible stories we have been learning about recently, to support your point of view.


Luke 2: 22-40 – Presentation of Jesus

Matthew 17: 1-8 – Transfiguration of Jesus

John 2: 1-11 – Wedding at Cana

Matthew 4: 17 – The Proclamation

Matthew 26: 26-29 – The Eucharist

John 8:12 – Light of the World



Add small sketches or images around your paragraph, to illustrate ways in which we could be a light to the world like Jesus was. For example, giving money to charity or inviting someone to church who feels lonely or without hope.



Music Home Learning Video Links – Hampshire Music Service







L.O. To identify and explain key parts of the digestive system

Last week we explored our mouths and the function of our teeth. This week we will be looking at the human digestion system and exploring its key parts.

Watch the video below to discover more about our digestive system.


The digestive system is an amazing part of our bodies and helps us absorb all the important minerals and nutrients our body needs to stay healthy. Look at the powerpoint on teams to find out more details about the digestive system and what it looks like.

Task 1: Draw a picture of the human digestive system and label its main parts. The words you will need to include in your diagram are mouth, oesophagus, liver, anus, small intestine, large intestine, pancreas and stomach.

Task 2: Look at the key words in blue. Write them down and find the matching definitions.

Challenge: Miss. Hawley only eats Dairy Milk Buttons, she says her stomach is sore and she feels tired. Make a prediction, why could this be? Think about whether Dairy Milk Buttons are healthy and how this may affect the digestive system.

Support: Label the picture of the digestive system with the key words, mouth, oesophagus, liver, anus, small intestine, large intestine, pancreas and stomach.


‘The Ring of Fire’

Starter – What do you think the ‘Ring of Fire’ is? Make your prediction –

Task 1-

The Pacific Ring of Fire, or simply the Ring of Fire, is not actually ring-shaped. Instead, it takes the form of a horseshoe with the opening facing downward.

The Ring of Fire is home to the most naturally volatile places in our planet. 90% of the world’s earthquakes occur here. In addition to that, it is where you can find 75% of the Earth‘s volcanoes.

Can you research the ring of Fire. What Volcanoes make up the ring of fire. Can you add them onto the diagram.

Task 2:

Can you make your own Ring of Fire Top Trumps. Choose min of 5 volcanoes that are apart of the Ring of Fire. You will need to research the traits of the Volcanoes which wil help you create your own top trumps.

See the examples below to support you and as a challenge are you able to write a brief description of each volcano. This could be a ‘did you know?

Year 4 Art Activity

Science & Nature Connection: This lesson offers opportunities to visually display a cross-section of the elements in a forest ecosystem and discuss how these elements depend on each other. The sun and water help grow plants which provide shelter and food for animals. Insects like ants, termites and earthworms break down dead plants and animals, which starts the life cycle of growth all over again.

Please read the information about ‘Above and below’ and then create your own above and below forest. This art lesson is a challenge, but I know YOU can do it.

Please then send it to me using my email:

Everyone that makes a forest and sends a photo of it will receive an art prize when they return to school. There will be a bigger art prize for my artist of the ‘project’


Above and Below by Patricia Hegarty and illustrated by Hanako Clulow is the inspiration for this art project. This informative book talks about what lives above and below in many different ecosystems. I decided to focus on the illustration of the forest. I love how you can see the deep, calm forest above and the burrowing creatures below. Please look at the book, by following the link below.

Your activity

NB: Remember if you don’t have any of the art materials you can just use what you have around, for example if you don’t have a white pencil then use crayons or chalk. If you don’t have black paper then paint a piece of paper black. ART SHOULD ALWAYS BE FUN – EVEN WHEN LEARNING SOMETHING NEW…THE PROCESS OF MAKING SOMETHING IS OFTEN MORE IMPORTANT THAN THE END RESULT!

Draw the Background
With a black oil pastel, divide horizontal paper into three sections:
1. Underground
2. Ground
3. Sky
This is a great time to add a few large underground tunnels for your burrowing animals to reside in.

Paint the Background
If you are using white paper, paint all three sections with paint. If you are using coloured paper, paint two of the sections. If you are concerned about time, use coloured paper so there is less painting for your students to do. Notice how I used light green paper, so I just painted a few wisps of white clouds in the sky rather than painting the whole sky. When dry, outline all sections with a black oil pastel for contrast and definition.

Paint Trees and Cut Leaves
On a separate piece of paper, draw a series of trees. Your trees should begin and end off the paper. Using plain white paper and painting the trees various shades of brown with paint/felt tips/pastels/crayon. NOTE: If painted, allow to dry before cutting out.
Use painted paper or coloured paper to cut out small leaves. Rather than drawing the leaves and then cutting them out, use your scissors to “draw” the leaves. This makes the process go much quicker! You could even layer multiple pieces of painted paper together and cut out a few identical leaves at once.

Drawing the Animals
Use a separate piece of paper
You can chose how do draw your animals. Either select two or three animals from the pictures at the end of this lesson plan, or do observational drawings from books, the internet, or your own pet!
Draw them with an oil pastel, a pencil or a fine-liner. Colour your animals with your choice of mediums, you could use coloured pencils, watercolours, oil pastels or felt-tip pens.
After drawing and colouring the animal, outline the major drawing lines with a black marker to give the drawing contrast against the background.

Unify the Collage
Cut out your trees and glue them onto your forest scene. Arrange your trees so that some are in the foreground and some are in the background. Cut off any extra tree that hangs off the paper. Use oil pastels, markers or coloured pencils to add additional details to your background. I added some bark lines, grass and underground worms.
Carefully cut out your animals and glue them onto various sections of the background.




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