Home Learning wc 1.2.21

Hello everyone, we hope that you are all well and keeping safe. Please take a look at  the below copies of your English, Maths, History, Science, DT/Art and RE activities which are already on your Microsoft Teams.

A quick message for 4H Kangaroos:

Just to let you know that I shall be attending an online teacher training course for the full day on Wednesday 3rd February 2021, so unfortunately I will not be able to host any of our 4H Kangaroo Live Teams calls on this date. The Live Teams calls will, however, continue as normal for today (Monday) and on the Tuesday, Thursday and Friday of this week. From Miss Honeywell

You shouldn’t need to print anything (you can always write it  out if you need to)  to complete this work, though it would be useful for you to record your ideas down and keep them all together in a notebook or work book at home. You should be able to complete these activities on your own as we understand your grown ups may be working from home. During the live check in sessions, your teacher will suggest the activities you should complete for that day and give you the appropriate briefing. These live check in sessions will be three times a day, except Friday afternoons. We will set you new work for next week and this will be posted on Microsoft Teams every Monday so that you have a whole week to work through it from home. Thank you all for working exceptionally hard at home, keep it up! Also the work that has been handed in is excellent.

A couple of polite reminders

  • Children are to choose a small selection of pictures of their work to upload onto Teams. This will then allow the teachers to view the work and give brief feedback.
  • Please remind your children to only use the chat bar for learning purposes only. If they have any questions once the live session has ended, they may message the teacher directly on Microsoft Teams.

Take care everyone, Miss Jackson-Nash, Miss Honeywell, Mrs Cairns and Miss Hawley.



L.O: To plan a narrative build up.



L.O: To practise and apply knowledge of suffixes (-ify and –ise).



L.O: To practise punctuating speech.



L.O: To write a narrative build up.



L.O: To analyse a visual film clip.


Support task:

Take a look at the speech punctuation bookmark below.


Read through the speech rhyme. Can you remember the actions we have used in Year Four, to help us remember the rules to punctuate speech correctly?


Now try to use your speech bookmark to punctuate five orders or commands that the angry character, Koro, may have given to the other characters from the film clip.


Challenge Activity:

Take a look at the speech punctuation bookmark below.

Can you use this bookmark to create a short conversation that may have taken place between Hemi and Paikea on the following day?

Which verbs and adverbs could you use that would make sense together? e.g. whispered Hemi calmly, or groaned Paikea irritably.



Have a go at the following Y3/4 Spelling Words. Which strategies could you use to practise them? Choose two from the following list:

  • Spelling spirals
  • Silly sentences (using pairs of words from the grid below)
  • Rainbow Writing


Modify Strength
Vocalise Enough
Energise Centre
History Continue
Pressure Describe


WEEKLY ASSIGNMENT: Please send a photo or upload a document of your work on Whale Rider so far. You will need to complete all 5 lessons we have set in order to do this.



Arithmetic – If you work with Mrs Cairns for Maths/ first class numbers, for your arithmetic please could you really focus on your x3, x4 , x8 times tables.

Remember you should be completing 10 minutes of daily arithmetic using the websites below. 

Daily ten – https://www.topmarks.co.uk/maths-games/daily10

TTR – https://ttrockstars.com/

Sumdog – https://www.sumdog.com/en/

Bitesize – https://www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize/subjects/z826n39

Top mark – https://www.topmarks.co.uk/

Maths Frame – https://mathsframe.co.uk/



This week, you will be exploring different measurements. If you have them, please get some kitchen scales, a measuring jug and a ruler as these will help you throughout the upcoming lessons.

Lesson 1: To be able to explore and understand different unit of measurements and use them when estimating.


Lesson 2: To be able to convert between cm and mm.


Lesson 3: To be able to convert between cm and m


Lesson 4: To be able to explore and use the relationship between units of measurement of capacity, length and mass.


Lesson 5: To be able to order units of measurements, using your conversions.



Challenge: See the problem below .This will take a lot of reasoning.

A lady has a steel rod that she knows to be exactly 3 units long, and a wooden pole that she knows is exactly 13 units long. Her only tools are a pencil and a saw.

She needs an 8 unit long wooden pole. She finds that is not possible to mark the steel rod, but she can draw on the wooden pole.

How can she measure out the 8 unit pole?


Support: If you found the above tasks tricky, use these lessons instead. You will still be focusing on measurements so if you have scales they will be helpful for your learning.

Lesson 1: To be able to read different measurements


Lesson 2: To be able to compare mass using mixed units.


Lesson 3: To be able estimate masses


Lesson 4: To be able to measure volume.


Lesson 5: To be able to measure and compare capacities in mixed units.


Please upload a small selection of photos (Max 5) to show your learning from this week.


Raiders to Settlers.

We know that Vikings started as raiders, however as time passed they became settlers and rulers.

This week, we are going to focus on where the Vikings settled and why they decided to live there.

Task one: Vikings have had a large influence on names of places today. Either the prefix or suffix of a place will give you a clue about what type of place this was back when the Vikings were settlers.

Look at this map. There are 8 places named after Vikings. Can you spot the names and research what they used to be? (Suffixes to spot –gate, -by, -thwaite, -thorpe, – gaet …Look at the support task for help if you cannot find the suffixes)


Task 2: Using place name knowledge, your task is to summarise what you have found. You can use the sentence stems from below to help you.

Think about the location (are they near a beach, or can you see a river. Why is it important that they are near open water or rivers? Are they near woods, why is this important? You can look at the maps to spot rivers, lakes, or you can research the places to see what is nearby)


Where the Vikings settled: what the place name endings tells us.

Most Vikings settled in areas such as ………….          We know this because…….


Most Vikings settled after 878 when England was divided by the Danelaw.

We know from the places that ended in ‘by’ that they were farmers. Places such as…

Some were even Christians. We know this because of places with the Viking word for church such as…..


-by farm, homestead or village
-thorpe farm
-thwait farm, clearing, meadow
-toft house or plot of land
-gate or gaet Street


Can you find 3 different places that have the above suffixes. What does it tell you about the place.

For example Holgate (hol –gate) would have been a Viking street.



L.O. To show how different living things can be grouped in variety of ways.

The last few weeks we have been looking at living things and their characteristics. Using what we have learnt so far, this lesson we are going to categorize different living things.

Watch this video to discover how we can categorize different living things.


Task 1:

Using the video to help, write the key features of:

  1. Fish
  2. Reptiles
  3. Mammals
  4. Bird
  5. Amphibian

Using what you have written, draw the table below and list animals that you think fit into each category. Then, bullet point the shared characteristics of each category e.g. all mammals give birth to live young, all birds have wings.

Mammal Reptile Amphibian Bird Fish
Characteristics of a mammal. Characteristics of a reptile. Characteristics of an amphibian. Characteristics of a bird. Characteristics of a fish.


Task 2:

Using task 1 to help you, in your own words write a paragraph about what makes living things fit into each category e.g. if a living thing is a fish they need to be able to breathe underwater. Their habitat is in the water and they are all cold blooded.

Use the vocabulary below in your paragraphs:

mammal fish reptile
amphibian habitat environment
cold blooded warm blooded live young



Using the what you know about categories and characteristics, look at the images below. Can you write the name of the category that each animal belongs to e.g. reptile, mammal etc.? Think carefully about what the animals have in common and is different about them.

Challenge 1 :

Create and label your own animal that has one characteristic from each category e.g. you may draw a lion (mammal) that has wings (bird)  with gills (fish), scales (reptile) and lays eggs (amphibian).


Music Home Learning Video Links





Religious Education – Revelations of Christ


This week, we shall be looking more closely at the story of the Presentation of Jesus. In particular, we shall be studying how Anna and Simeon reacted to this special event at the Temple.



Watch the story of the Presentation on the website below. If you are unable to view the video, please select ‘Enable Flash’ on your site settings (which can be accessed via the small padlock next to the website bar at the top of the screen).




Can you make a mind map of the 5Ws that you notice, as you watch the video? (Who, What, Where, When and Why)


Main Task:

Now create a newspaper article, to describe the key events that took place and how Anna and Simeon’s feelings had changed during the story. Can you include our key vocabulary in your report?


Presentation       Messiah       Saviour      New born King

Gift         Promise          Revealed         Temple



Take a look at the template of a Newspaper Article, below.

Can you make a short headline to summarise the key events,  using 5 words only? E.g. Saviour presented at the Temple! or Gift and Promise is revealed!


Can you include brief interviews or conversations with Anna and Simeon in your news report? What would they have said before and after the Presentation of Jesus at the Temple?

Think carefully about how to punctuate your speech (as we have been learning about in English this week) by using the bookmark below to help you.

How would Anna and Simeon speak? How would this have changed as the story developed? Which verbs and adverbs could you use to try and reflect this change?


Year 4 Art Activity

Please read the information about Winter landscapes and then produce your piece of art.  Please then send it to me using my email:



Using a pencil, lightly draw TWO lines to divide the paper into three sections:

– background (sky)

– middle ground (snowy fields)

– foreground (shadow/fence)

First wet your brush and paint WATER over top 1/3 of the paper (background). Use plenty of water!

Dip paint brush into YELLOW paint and paint a half-circle for the setting sun. The wet paper will cause the paint to expand and blur…. This is called bleeding.

Next, dip in ORANGE paint and dab watercolour around yellow sun.

Dip paint brush into RED paint and dab around orange. Do the same for PINK and PURPLE paint until the entire sky is coloured.



Now that the sunset is painted, you can paint with watercolours on a dry surface using the wet-on-dry technique. Because the paper is dry, the paint will create clean, crisp edges.

Pick one or two colours from the sunset (yellow, orange, red, pink or purple) and brush colour in gentle sweeps over the white blanket of snow.

Using a small brush and the black paint from the watercolour tray, paint a line of trees along the horizon line. Using the side of the brush tip makes it easy to line up a good number of tree trunks then you can dab the brush to make the tops of the trees.

Next, begin to paint a row of small vertical lines to create a fence.



Use the drawing guide below:



Paint at least 3 branches: one that extends off the side of the paper, one pointing to the top of the paper and the other branch moving towards the inside of the paper. The style of tree dictates how extreme the angle.

Using the tip of your paint brush and black paint, start at the branch and move brush away, painting a very thin twig.

Keep making smaller and smaller branches that extend away from the trunk.

Fill in the trunk with black paint.

The final step in the painting is to add shadows below the forest on the horizon line, below the tree trunk and along the fence line. Do this by dipping your  paint brush into black paint and make a small puddle on the cover of the watercolour palette. Add a few drops of water to make a light grey paint. Use this light colour to add shadows. If you like, you can add a few birds using black paint and a wide ‘V’ shape.  Careful… don’t add too many!


Now send me a photo of your awesome artwork and I will share it on the Art Blog.



Physical Education 

Have a go at the PE activity below – it does not matter if  you do not complete this on a Monday. Can you record your number of shuttle runs and loops in 3 minutes? Have fun!


Guided Reading Home learning – book review


For your reading task this week, please watch the video and listen to Mrs Porter’s reading of Chapter One from Podkin One-Ear. We would then like you to complete a book review on what you have enjoyed about Chapter One so far. Please use the ideas below to help you. To access the video, please go on to the Kangaroo or Koala class page on Microsoft Teams then click on the ‘files’ tab at the top of the page and you will find the video inside the ‘class materials’ folder. Please feel free to also access the story via the following web link: Podkin One Ear Chapter 1




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Date read: _____________

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