Winter Time!

Hello everyone!

We hope that you’ve all had a good week so far and are keeping well.

This week in English the children finished publishing their fact files on their created spiders. We were blown away with the quality of their writing. Within their fact files the children wrote about their spider’s anatomy, attack and defence, weaving their webs and even made their own top trump fact box! This week was the start of a new unit looking at Raymond Brigg’s Snowman. We started off the week with making our own snowmen!

We will be continuing to explore The Snowman text and focus on using inference skill. We will also be developing our rich vocabulary to use in our final outcome that is a leaflet in how to care for your snowman.


In Maths this week we started a new unit on multiplications. Here the children explored and deconstructed a multistep problem and identified strategies that would help them solve the question. Next week, we will continue to explore multiplication strategies to help us unpick problems and multiply larger digits (35 x 6).


Just a few quick reminders:

  • Please send your children in their PE kits on Thursday for CM sports.
  • On Tuesday 17th November 2020 Year 4 will be taking part in Heads Up for Guide Dogs charity fundraiser. Please send your children in wearing something bright on their head or shoulders.  £1 donations  are recommended and you can donate on Scopay. Please ensure your child comes to school in their school uniform with something colour. This is not a non-school uniform day.
  • Thank you for those who have completed their My maths and Sumdog homework. Just less than half the year did access the homework. Please continue using these platforms as we carefully select tasks that link with their maths learning at school. If you have any issues accessing these sites, do not hesitate to ask us and we will be happy to help you.
  • Virtual Parent’s evening will be taking place from Monday  23rd November, if you have not booked into a slot then please contact the office.
  • Thank you for bringing and donating materials for our DT project. We are still collecting bits in so if you have any loo rolls or materials to make torches, we would most appreciate them.


Keep up the brilliant work Koalas and Kangaroos. We hope you all have a lovely weekend and look forward to seeing you all next week.

Miss Jackson-Nash, Miss Honeywell and Mrs Cairns

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