Home Learning 19.06.2020

Hello everyone!

We hope you have had a lovely weekend and was able to enjoy the sunshine. Once again it has been fantastic hearing about what you are doing at home and all the hard work that has taken place. Thank you for using the class emails and showing us your creative work!

Miss Jackson-Nash has found it tricky to get in as many walks this week due to the weather being rubbish! Luckily Miss Jackson-Nash is teaching at school and it is very surprising how many steps you do whilst teaching! She has also made more yummy treats and using up some Easter eggs that you kindly brought her back in March time!

Miss Honeywell has also been very busy at school this week but has managed to enjoy the sun and find the time to cook more delicious bakes! Take a look… mmmm!


Reading –  News report.

The last few weeks you have been focusing a lot on fiction texts along with character descriptions and story setting. In order to write a gripping news report, though it is non-fiction, it is still important to use the fantastic writing skills you have used in these last few weeks. These skills include expanded noun phrases, use of vibrant vocabulary and paragraphs etc.

Your first task is to have a look at this news report, once you have read it click on the link for lesson one from Oaks academy.

Lesson 1: https://classroom.thenational.academy/lessons/news-report-reading-comprehension-fact-retrieval

In lesson 1, read the text and then on the worksheet slide answer the questions. You will need to use your fact retrieval skills.

Lesson 2: https://classroom.thenational.academy/lessons/news-report-reading-comprehension-inference/

In lesson 2, familiarise yourself with the news report and then using your comprehension skills , answer the questions giving evidence.

**Support: For those who complete separate guided reading activities, have a go at the following task-

Fact retrieval – read the following newspaper report. Can you answer these question?

Where did Farmer Fred take his Turnip?

How do you know the turnip was big?

When did Farmer Fred plant his turnip and how did he look after it?

Do you think it was easy pulling up the turnip? Explain your answer using evidence from the text.


In addition, please continue to read 20-30 minutes daily. Try and read a range of text too. 

Writing –

Now we are going to write our own newspaper report. Follow the Oaks Academy lessons and complete the worksheets on each slide.

Lesson 3: https://classroom.thenational.academy/lessons/news-report-identifying-the-features-of-a-text/

Lesson 4: https://classroom.thenational.academy/lessons/news-report-spag-focus-inverted-commas

Lesson 5: https://classroom.thenational.academy/lessons/news-report-write-a-news-report

**Support: If you are finding these tricky have a go at this task.  Looking at the newspaper report, can you identify the key features?


Name of the newspaper, headline, reporters name, opening, sub-heading, picture, caption, advert, extra information.

Spellings –

This week, we would like you to revise the following Y3/4 spelling words from our list. These should also help you during your reading and writing activities for this week.

Therefore    Though    Through    Thought    Various Accidentally 

Please note:

For those working on Y2 common exception words, use the following online ‘Spelling Tiles’ games (there are four to choose from).



Maths –

Last week, you started looking at Area and Perimeter, to follow on form this we will be continuing with the sessions looking at lessons 6-10. If you need reminding of anything from the previous week, please do not hesitate to go back to previous lessons.

Lesson 6: https://classroom.thenational.academy/lessons/area-part-1-estimating/

Lesson 7: https://classroom.thenational.academy/lessons/area-part-2-calculating/

Lesson 8: https://classroom.thenational.academy/lessons/area-part-3-cm2/

Lesson 9: https://classroom.thenational.academy/lessons/area-part-4-m2/

Lesson 10: https://classroom.thenational.academy/lessons/area-part-5-application/


**Support: If the lessons above are too tricky, try the following activity.

Watch the video to remind yourself of what area is.


Remember when calculating the area of a square or rectangle you need to multiply width x height.

Can you find the area of these shapes? Remember use your times table skills and strategies to help you.

Remember that Sumdog, Times Table Rockstars and My Maths have also been updated with activities.

Topic – Windrush

Read the poem Windrush child by John Agard. You can also watch John Agard read the poem:

Windrush Child by John Agard

Behind you

Windrush child

palm trees wave goodbye


above you

Windrush child

seabirds asking why


around you

Windrush child

blue water rolling by


beside you

Windrush child

your Windrush mum and dad


think of storytime yard

and mango mornings


and new beginnings

doors closing and opening


will things turn out right?

At least the ship will arrive

in midsummer light


and you Windrush child

think of grandmother

telling you don’t forget to write


and with one last hug

walk good walk good

and the sea’s wheel carries on spinning


and from that place England

you tell her in a letter

of your Windrush adventure


stepping in a big ship

not knowing how long the journey

or that you’re stepping into history


bringing your Caribbean eye

to another horizon

grandmother’s words your shining beacon


learning how to fly

the kite of your dreams

in an English sky

Windrush child

walking good walking good

in a mind-opening

meeting of snow and sun


Explain to children that the SS Wind rush docked in Tilbury on June 21st 1948. This was the start of post-war migration to Britain from the Caribbean. Between 1948 & 1970 nearly 500 thousand people left their homes in the West Indies to come to Britain. They were all British citizens and has the right to work and settle in Britain. They came for various different reasons; most responded to a call from Britain for workers in the transport system, the postal service and hospitals; some came to work for a while before returning home with money they had saved, others were looking for better opportunities for themselves and their families. Many were also soldiers who had fought for Britain during World war 2.

  Task 1: Using an Atlas or researching on the internet, can you find the countries such as Jamaica, Trinidad or other West Indian islands. Once you have found them, using a map can you mark the journey of SS Windrush?

Empire Windrush started at Trinidad and headed north up the Caribbean via Kingston, Tampico, Havana and Bermuda then over Atlantic Ocean to Tilbury.

Task 2: Research and make notes on the climate in the West Indies and how it differs from British climate. What else differs?

Task 3: Now you have a clear understanding on what SS Windrush was and where the many people had migrated from we would like you to imagine you are one of those people. Write a letter or postcard to your family back home in the West Indies. Describe what Britain is like compared to the West Indies (climate, houses, food, transport etc) and how the people of Britain are treating you. How do you feel about it? Was it what you were expecting?

Science –

Last week you revisited electric circuit and it has been fantastic to hear the brilliant electrical objects you have managed to make work by successfully creating a closed circuit! We will be going back to circuits but before we do, there is just one more session on sound we would like you to explore.

Over the last few weeks we have been conducting lots of science experiments to explore sound.

Now we should understand that sound is made from vibrations that travel in the air. This week we are going to explore how the sound enters our ears and how our ears work.

Watch the video – https://www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize/topics/zgdmsbk/articles/zkdkmfr 

If you want more information about the ear, check out the rest of the bitesize page, or watch videos on youtube!

Your task for Science this week is to create a diagram or model of the ear with labels of each part and its function. You might even want to try and build your own ‘ear’ to see how it works.

Music –

Go to the website below and watch Naomi Wilkinson’s video about Grazyna Bacewicz.


Why was Grazyna  Bacewicz considered a musical trail blazer?


Now listen to the whole piece in the second video. Can you hear the morse code pattern  v …-  for victory?

Why not try creating your own secretive rhythms

eg. This is top secret.

Don’t tell anyone!

STEM – Balloon Car Racers

https://www.rigb.org/families/experimental/balloon-car-racers – to watch the video

The activity –  Make cars which are propelled by balloon power.

ExpeRiment with designs and see what factors affect how fast or how far your car goes.

Learn how a balloon car works just like a rocket.


https://www.rigb.org/docs/ballooncarracers_infosheet_1_1.pdf – to view the information sheet

What to do:

  • Make a balloon car based on the instructions Mark gives in the video.
  • Decide how you will judge what makes a ‘good’ car – is it how far it goes or how fast it goes?
  • Investigate what happens if you have bigger or smaller wheels (you can use other types of lids or make wheels from cardboard and use blu-tac or glue to attach them to the kebab skewers).
  • Investigate what happens if you change the design of your car in other ways – you can watch the video again for inspiration for other designs.

Going further challenge:

  • Measure how far your car travels using a tape measure.
  • Time how fast your car travels ½ a metre – would double the speed be the time that your car would travel 1 metre? Test it out.
  • You can find the speed of your car in metres per second using a stopclock and a tape measure: Measure the distance the car travels (in metres) then dividing that distance by the time it took to travel (in seconds).


Art –

We have two important Feast Days in our Church calendar for June.  The 19th June is the Feast of the Sacred Heart and 29th June is the Feast Day of St Peter and St Paul.

For your art challenge this week I would like you to do a creation linked to either of these Feast Days.

The Sacred Heart of Jesus is an object of devotion and always falls 19 days after Pentecost.

As you know, St Peter was given the ‘keys to heaven’ by Jesus and was our first Pope and in Matthew Ch16v18 Jesus said ‘And I tell you, you are Peter, and on this rock I will build my church.’  He is also the Patron St of fishermen.

St Paul changed from not believing in Christianity to spreading the word through the letters that he wrote. Naturally, he is the Patron St of writers.

Ideas to inspire you:

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