Monthly Archives: November, 2019

Another Busy Week!

Hello everyone,

We hope you have had another pleasant week.

This week in English, the children have been really busy self editing and drafting their final writes. The intended outcome is for children to produce an informative leaflet explaining how to take care of your snowman. The children have worked really hard on what they have produced, linking lots of their science and maths learning, which has given the leaflets a real informative feel. The leaflets will hopefully be out and ready in the office for visitors to look at by the end of next week.

We have been incredibly impressed with the children’s maths learning this week. They were introduced to a new skill for division, which was the bus stop method and using place value counters. Children are already able to divide three digit numbers by 6,7 and also can identify the remainders.

We would like to say thankyou to all the parents who came along to parents evening this week. It was lovely to showcase all the hard work your children have been doing this school year. If you want to follow any thing up or have any additional questions, please do not hesitate to contact the school.

Next Tuesday 3rd December, St Peter’s will be attending an Advent service at Sacred Heart Church in Waterlooville. If their are any parent volunteers who would be able to assist the school with walking the church, please contact the school office.

Also next week, on Friday 6th December the children will be having a Stem day at school, and in year 4 we will be exploring different structures and finding out what makes the strongest bridge. It would be greatly appreciate if children could bring in any resources/material that will be used that day.

Quick reminders:

    • Advent Service Tuesday 3rd December 2019
    • Reading passports are due in on Wednesday 4th December 2019
    • STEM day Friday 6th December 2019

We hope you have a lovely weekend!

From Miss Jackson-Nash, Miss Honeywell and Mrs Cairns


Cross-curricular learning


We hope that you are all well and that you have been having a pleasant week.

In English, Year Four have been creating sentences about their snowman using subordinate and causal conjunctions. In addition, both classes have studied a variety of explanation texts and generated a bank of technical vocabulary to apply across their sentence work for their snowman information leaflet. At the end of the week, the children completed their planning forms and decided which key features they would like to include for each section of their leaflet. We look forward to seeing the published copies available in the school reception at the end of next week!

In Maths, we have been learning about Multiplication and Division. In particular, we have discussed a variety of efficient strategies to use when counting ‘groups’ or ‘lots of’ items, e.g. arrays, bar models, part-part whole drawings, number lines with largest multiples, etc. As the week progressed, Year Four were able to confidently and successfully complete a variety of word problems, carefully interpreting the key vocabulary to decide which mathematical symbol and strategy to use. Well done to both classes for all of the commitment they have shown to the challenge tasks.

On Friday, the children attended an Anti-Bullying assembly as part of their learning for Anti-Bullying week. Each class took part and were given the opportunity to participate as part of an interactive school presentation.

Please remind your children to complete the following homework:

  • Spelling slip
  • Vocabulary learning
  • Sumdog Maths

We hope you all have a relaxing weekend and we very much look forward to seeing you all next week at our parents evenings on Tuesday 26th and Wednesday 27th November 2019. 

Kind regards,

Miss Honeywell, Miss Jackson-Nash and Mrs Cairns.

Week 2


We hope you’ve had a lovely week so far and hopefully it will be a dryer and warmer week next week.

As the festive season is coming up, we took the opportunity to use  The Snowman by Raymond Briggs as part of our new English unit. At the start of the week, the children had to carefully follow instructions, in order to make their own snowmen. We were very happy with the cooperation and collaborating demonstrated by the children who thoroughly enjoyed the activity.

Unfortunately, over night they melted! So in English we have decided to create an informative leaflet on how to look after your frosty friends. This week we have explored different non-fiction texts, leaflets and explanation texts to identify key features. We have also been learning about cause and effect with casual conjunctions such as ‘Do not place your snowman too close to the fire, as consequently he will melt’. We can’t wait to see the children planning next week!


In Maths, we have explored many aspects of Geometry. Started the week looking at area and understanding the difference between that and perimeter. We then moved onto lines of symmetry, where the children were able to explore different Anglo-Saxon artefacts and complete the shape using mirrors and identifying the lines of symmetry. To finish up on Geometry, we have explored lots of different angles, shapes and lines and how to plot and find coordinates. Here is a link to a line song that the children loved to sing along to.

We were so amazed at the quality of work that came in from the Rosa Park homework. Children have really delved deep with using their inference skills to describe  her thoughts and opinions, how she has changed the world. Next week we will discussing what happened, what this has influenced by role playing and using conscious alleys.


Just a friendly reminder, homework is sent out on Friday’s and is expected back in the following Friday. The homework that is sent out is a a vocabulary task, maths on SumDog and spellings. Children are tested on their spelling homework every Friday.

Also don’t forget Parents evenings are on Wednesday 26th November from 4-7pm and Thursday 27th November 3.45-6.15pm. We look forward to seeing you then.

Well done Kangroos and Koalas for another fantastic week of learning! Keep up the good work! Have a great weekend!

Kind regards,

Miss Jackson-Nash, Miss Honeywell and Mrs Cairns

Another busy week…


We hope that you are all well and that you have been enjoying the weekend so far (despite the rain!)

In English, the children have published and evaluated their first person diary entries about the siege of Castle Grotteskew. We were delighted by the variety of skills that the children had confidently and successfully applied across their writing: fronted adverbials, dialogue, possessive apostrophes and a range of sentence types (including relative and subordinate clauses). Well done Year 4! On Friday, the children took part in a History Deep learning day – we focused on a variety of skills as part of our Anglo Saxon learning e.g. making hypotheses, studying clues, sorting statements into true/false groups and deducing information from a range of historical sources. Both classes created a variety of plausible and interesting predictions – great work, everyone!

In Maths, we have continued our learning on measures through the context of calculating perimeter (cm, m and km). In particular, we have focused upon a range of strategies to find the total distance around the outside edge of a range of shapes – e.g. halving and doubling for rectilinear shapes, multiplying by the number of sides for regular 2D shapes, and using multi-link to create a measurable scale for more complex tasks. Please see the photos below of what we found out…

In Science, we have started our learning on States of Matter. We have been looking closely at solids, liquids and gases, using particle drawings and diagrams to help explain each state of matter and how each one can be reached. We look forward next week to learning more about changes of state, as part of our cross-curricular learning on The Snowman in our new English unit. Please see the photos below of practical group work completed in Science…


We look forward to seeing you all next week, and look forward to hearing about how the children have got on with their new Sumdog challenges! Please also note that there will be a Y3/4 Spelling Workshop for parents after school on Monday 11th November 2019 (5.30 – 6.15 pm).

Kind regards,

Miss Honeywell, Miss Jackson Nash and Mrs Cairns.