We hope Year 4 enjoyed their extra long weekend and are well rested, ready to start week 5.
We’ve been deep into our learning for nearly a month now and the children has produced some amazing work! In English the children were given the chance to design their own ‘Monstrous Creations’ and annotated it with some exciting and descriptive expanded noun phrases. We also learnt about the importance of subordinating clauses and that the conjunction can be moved to make our writing more exciting! Koalas and Kangaroos have started to plan out their final story about their monster which is going to include all the writing skills we have explored in year 4.
In Maths, we have finished the first part of the place value unit. The year four team are extremely proud of the hard work the children displayed and how their curiosity has helped them learn so much. Children should now be able to recognise the place value in a four digit number confidently, round numbers to the nearest 10,100,1000 and order 4 digit numbers. We will be revisiting place value in the next term so it is important children continue to practise place value on Sum dog or practise at home.
In the afternoons, children have experienced lots of different learning opportunities and lessons. In Science we explored battery powered devices and found out how the batteries worked and what would happen if the battery was on used on a continuous circuit. In history we explored artefacts. The children also wrote beautiful letters to Winchester Castle, retelling their favourite parts of the day and all that they learnt.
Due to the inset day, children will be given homework on Monday. The homework will be expected back in a week later. Thank you to everyone for completing the new vocabulary homework. It has had a great impact on the children’s writing as the vocabulary has been noticed in lots of children’s work within the right context.
Just a reminder on Friday 4th October, St Peters is celebrating the great work of CAFOD. Children are allowed to wear brightly coloured clothes to school to celebrate ‘Wear it bright for Harvest’ and we kindly ask for a £1 donation to put towards the charity. We look forward to seeing the children in their colour blinding outfits!
We hope you have a lovely week and if you have any questions, please do not hesitate to ask.
Kind regards
Miss Jackson-Nash, Miss Honeywell and Mrs Cairns