Friday 17th May 2019

Dear all,
In maths this week, we have continued our measures unit. We have been solving problems which have included £ and p. We were applying different strategies to aid with our problem solving. We will be continuing with our measures units next week with telling the time and solving problems involving the passing of time.
In English, we have been planning our non-chronological reports about our chosen mythical creature. We have been able to draw upon our learning in geography and science and use this technical language in our plans.
In RE we discussed the question ‘How do you get to Heaven?’. there were some very thoughtful responses and the children showed respect when listening to others opinions.
Golden Key:
4S: Isabel Thomas: ‘For using the gifts God has given her to show focus and motivation in her learning.’
4B: Charlie Wright: ‘for using the gifts God has given him to respond to class discussions in a thoughtful manner.’
Showstopper Writer:
4S: James Watson: ‘For writing an effective character description for a mythical creature.’
4B: Daniella Pacheco: ‘For making progress in her spellings and analysing the features in a text.’
As you are aware Tuesday 21st May is the Year 3/4 mass at Sacred Heart. We are still looking for parents to accompany us on our walk to church that morning, if you are available we would love for you to join us.
We hope you have a lovely weekend.
The Year 4 Team

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