Dear all,
In English this week, we have written and edited letters to Jemmy Button. The children have been using different techniques to give reason why Jemmy should stay in London and why he should return to his island. They wrote letters with a balanced argument, leaving the final decision up to Jemmy.
In Maths we have begun our multiplication and division topic. We have used the grid method and formal written method to solve multiplication questions. We will be continuing this next week. Please continue to encourage your child to take part in Sumdog challenges. This is a fun way for the children to practice their skills.
We had our Geography day today. Year 4 were developing their map skills. We used geographical language to help us find countries on a map. We then focused on Australia, where the children created a ‘jigsaw’ map which show the different landscapes within the country.
Golden Key:
4S: Bradley Polley: ‘For using the gifts God has given him to be more independent and resilient on his work task.’
4B: Emily Long: ‘for using the gifts God has given her to be a hard working member of the class.’
Showstopper Writer:
4S: Leo Veal: ‘For producing a letter with supporting viewpoints and editing to improve his writing.’
4B: Jake Street: ‘For producing a carefully planned letter.’
Monday 1st April – Wear it wacky for CAFOD.
Friday 5th April – INSET day, the school will be closed to the children.
Home learning expectations are 10 minutes per day each on a Reading, Spelling and Maths activity. This needs to be updated each day in the home learning diary and this is checked on a Thursday.
We hope you have a lovely week.
The Year 4 Team